Zodiac Signs Ranked From Long-Term Planners To YOLO-ers
(December 22 – January 19)
You’re not very keen on uncertainty, and you harbor a healthy fear of the unknown. Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” To you, “The unplanned life will always end in disaster.” As a result, you map out your future just like the Fates mapped out the stars. Sensible, analytical, and well-organized, you are always taking notes and concocting schemes. You see life as a journey, which is why it’s essential for you to grab the wheel and steer your vehicle—that’s the only way you can avoid a crash. You keep your eye on the bigger picture and are always able to see the forest for the trees.
(April 20 – May 20)
You view yourself as the author of your own life. You realize that very few people are reliable or dependable, so you rely on yourself. You rarely do things on a whim or on impulse. The more impulsive signs see you as staid and maybe a little boring, whereas you see them as a mess waiting to happen. There are plenty of things that are completely out of your control, so you like to maintain a handle on the things that you can control. You are a Bull who relies on steady strength rather than impulsive anger. You are not easily distracted because you keep your eyes firmly focused on the prize.
(October 23 – November 21)
Just like your namesake the Scorpion, you are covered in battle armor and move with deliberate precision. Life is too chaotic to face it head-on; instead, you need a plan. Judicious, scheming, shrewd, and astute, you’ve decided it’s better to be cold and calculating than hot and reckless. You’re keenly aware of the myriad misfortunes that befall those who don’t plot out their future. You feel better when you have a sense of control over the dark, foreboding future. You like to have fun and take risks, but you’re an expert at compartmentalizing these instincts. You never let your wild side get the better of you.
(June 21 – July 22)
You think that living for the moment represents an “all spice and no meat” approach to life. Then again, you realize that spices and flavoring are what make life worth living. But you choose your spices carefully and make sure they are well integrated with your meal. You don’t want a bland slab of meat, but neither do you want a mouthful of spices with no protein and nothing to sink your teeth into. You’ve known way too many friends and loved ones who “lived for the moment,” only to have the moment smack them upside the head. You fully realize the wisdom of Aesop’s fable “The Ant and the Grasshopper”: While the grasshopper was blithely living for the moment, the ant was preparing for the winter.
(August 23 – September 22)
Some people will make one trip to the supermarket to buy 700 eggs; others will make 700 trips, only to buy one egg at a time. You realize that neither extreme is very practical. Some people are so methodical and so rigorous, they almost seem lifeless to you. Others are so carefree that they never recover after an unexpected event derails the path of their life. You prefer to take the middle route. You don’t really like to plan, but you’re among the best when you need to do it. Part of you would like to live entirely for the moment, but the other half is smart enough to realize that having no plans is actually a foolproof plan for failure. You realize that no great building was ever constructed without a blueprint.
(January 19 – February 18)
Your approach is a delicious stew of plotting and impulsivity. You aren’t above plotting out a future for yourself, but if something comes along to disrupt it, you’re almost relieved. Sometimes you trust the experts; other times you trust your instincts. You work hard and play hard, being careful never to lean too much on a single approach. Just like every day is filled with both light and darkness, you fill every day with boisterous exuberance and quiet reflection. You see the future as a raging fire that can either burn you or keep you warm. You realize that gambling favors the house rather than the gambler, so you rarely take unnecessary risks.
(September 23 – October 22)
This is yet another area where the Scales are almost perfectly balanced. In this case, the balance is between living for the moment and planning for the future. The present and the future are the only two things over which you have control. The past is already written. The present and the future can harmonize quite well; it’s the past that always seems to sing off-key. You realize that it’s possible to have too much fun, but it’s also possible to be so organized that you rob life of its spontaneous pleasures. As a result, you paint your life in bright colors as well as somber tones.
(May 21 – June 20)
Sometimes you scheme; other times you dream. Often you have a plot; many other times, you do not. Sometimes you play it safe; other times you throw caution to the wind. As Robert Burns wrote, “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” You go through long, undulating phases where you plan for the future and live a mostly joyless life. These phases naturally bottom out, leading to other phases where you are immersed in the moment and in the joy of embracing life directly. You don’t have a problem planning, but you sometimes have trouble sticking with the plans.
(November 22 – December 21)
You’re fond of animals. You enjoy watching their little habits and quirks. And it occurred to you while observing animals in their natural element that they live entirely in the moment, yet you’ve never seen a super sad wild animal. You realize that nature is far too powerful for you to get in its way. Instead, you prefer to go with the flow. Whereas some might say you have trouble committing to anything, you feel that you merely adjust your plans to fit the changing circumstances. You feel that there is no safety in security. To you, staying put rather than sailing along blissfully with the winds of change is what’s truly dangerous.
(March 21 – April 19)
True to your namesake, you ram through every obstacle with unbridled enthusiasm. This has given you a wellspring of charisma that may not be reflected in your credit report. For you, plotting out every moment of the future robs life of its spontaneous joy. You feel that a conservative approach is a dead-end street. There will be plenty of time to avoid risk once you’re dead. You would much rather make a rash and risky decision than a boring and predictable one. But if it were up to you, you’d never have to make any decisions at all.
(February 19 – March 20)
To you, there is only one moment—the present. You realize that we are always living in the moment and that the future never really comes. The future will always remain out of reach, and all you have is the present. As a result, you tend to see long-range planners as a bit foolish rather than wise. You realize how brutally short life is and would rather experience it as a passenger than a driver. You view every curveball that life throws at you as an opportunity rather than a nuisance.
12. LEO
(July 23 – August 22)
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the Lion sleeps tonight—that’s because the Lion has been having fun nonstop for the past week without a wink of sleep. Why plan for the future when you realize that life always ends? To you, the “future” is synonymous with “death.” You love the little surprises that life brings and can’t wait unwrap the next gift that life leaves at your doorstep. While some may see you as headstrong and impetuous, you view yourself as joyful and spontaneous. Life to you is like a lemon—you squeeze every last nutritious drop out of it and then discard the husk.