The Worst Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Man Who Tries To Control You
Jordan Bauer

Your Worst Relationship Will Be With A Man Who Tries To Control You

The worst relationship of your life will be with a man who tries to control you because you will slowly lose sight of yourself. You will forget what makes you you because you will be so busy trying to please them in order to keep the peace, in order to make sure that the relationship stays solid. But the relationship isn’t solid just because you aren’t actively fighting. If you have to tiptoe around this person and behave in a super specific manner in order to please them, you aren’t with the right person. You need a relationship where you’re encouraged to be your real, messy self.

The worst relationship of your life will be with a man who tries to control you because they will convince you that they know best. They will act like they’re taking control out of the kindness of their heart. They will pretend that this is romantic, that they only care so much about who you hang out with and what you wear because they love you so damn much. But real love is not controlling. Real love allows you to make your own decisions. If this person trusted you, then they would give you space to choose. They would believe that you can handle yourself without their constant input.  

The worst relationship of your life will be with a man who tries to control you because he will make you feel like you’re constantly doing something wrong. If you don’t behave in the exact way that he wants at the exact time, then he will explode. He will make you feel like you can’t do anything right. But he isn’t the boss of you. He doesn’t get to decide your value. You determine your own worth.

The worst relationship of your life will be with a man who tries to control you because he will want to be your entire world. He won’t want you to have friends or hobbies outside of the relationship. He will want the relationship to be enough – but you need more than love to have a fulfilling life. You need more than your partner, even when they are the perfect one for you. 

You deserve a relationship where your opinion is respected and your thoughts are heard. You and your partner are supposed to be a team. You’re supposed to trust each other and support each other. You aren’t supposed to make all of their decisions for them – and they shouldn’t be making yours either. That’s why the worst relationship of your life will be with a man who tries to control you, who mistakenly believes he has more power over your own thoughts and body than you do.

Your partner is your teammate, so you should talk through big decisions with them. You should keep them up to date about what’s going on in your world. But that doesn’t mean that they have the final say over your life. That doesn’t mean that they are in charge of the clothes you wear, the money you spend, or the people you call your friends. Remember, the right person won’t try to control you. They will trust you enough to let you be you.