When You Love Someone, You’ll Give Them More Than The Bare Minimum

When You Love Someone, You’ll Give Them More Than The Bare Minimum

When you really love someone, you aren’t going to try to get away with doing the bare minimum. You aren’t going to put in less and less effort as time passes. You aren’t going to wait until holidays and anniversaries to spoil your partner rotten. You aren’t going to hope they remain happy with the crumbs you’re giving them and stay with you. You’re going to actually put in the work. You’re going to continue to try long after the relationship has gotten comfortable. You’re going to give this person the best version of you because that’s what they deserve.

When you really love someone, you aren’t going to be inconvenienced by their needs. You’re going to be happy to help them out in whatever way you possibly can. You’re going to jump at the opportunity to be there for them because you wouldn’t want anyone else to take your place. You want to be their rock, the person they run to when they’re in trouble – and when they have good news. You want to prove that you’re worthy of their love, that you’re willing to give them everything they deserve and then some.

When you really love someone, you are going to go above expectations. You aren’t going to wait for them to ask for something in order to give it to them. You’re going to pay close attention when they talk and pick up on their unspoken wants. You’re going to volunteer to take them to movies and concerts they want to see before they have to ask – and when they come to you, when they do ask, you’re going to be happy to be invited. You’re going to make the most of the event instead of complaining the whole time and making them wish they brought someone else.

When you really love someone, you aren’t going to distance yourself when times get hard. You’re going to be there to support and encourage your person. You’re going to comfort them while they’re crying and give them pep talks when they’re struggling to believe in themselves. You’re going to make it your mission to put a smile back on their face because you won’t be able to stomach seeing them upset. You’re going to feel horrible when they feel horrible because you’re emotionally connected. Their sadness will rub off on you and so will their happiness.

When you really love someone, you aren’t going to try to skate by while doing the bare minimum. You aren’t going to wait until your partner nags you about a chore fifty times to get up and finally do it. You aren’t going to wait until your partner complains or threatens to break up with you to change your bad behavior. You’re going to treat your partner well at all times, even if you aren’t getting anything out of the deal because you value them as a person. Because you want to see them happy. Because you care about their well-being more than your own ego.