16 Unattractive Traits That Will Make You Virtually Undateable
QC Photography

These 16 Traits Will Make You Virtually Undateable

“Jealous and paranoid. I see this a lot. Sometimes it’s justified, but if you can’t trust me or whoever you’re with then why are you still there?” — cranberrystew99

“People that can’t deal with silence, ALWAYS need to keep a conversation going. Exhausting.” — fontimus

“Acting like you have men/women all figured out. Look, everyone has opinions, that is fine. But acting like, ‘You’re an introvert, so you must like those introvert shows’ and acting like you have figured out everything about me by knowing one aspect kinda ruins the mood.” — KayMK11

“Bitterness is the most obvious thing. Just shrouding yourself in anger and disappointment, blaming everyone else. Blame is irrelevant. Acceptance and responsibility is what drives personal change. Wanting to feel better isn’t enough. You have to decide on it, and follow through” — bobsbountifulburgers

“Being very closed minded, or stubborn. Always trying to have the last word, always trying to contradict what you’re saying, or insisting that no matter what, they’re always right.” — MochiiMix

“The inability to understand someone else’s point of view.” — lenny446

“Arrogance. There’s a fine line between attractive confidence and straight up arrogance. Sure, you can be confident in yourself and carry yourself in such fashion, but when you go around bragging about what you can do and rub it into other peoples faces, it’s an instant no-go for me.” — TaurusBrightfly

“Someone who can’t tell the truth. They just have to use all sorts of weasel words and change the definition of words mid conversation to try and contort the truth to fit what they were saying. Or claim that from some perspective that makes no sense and no one would ever use that they’re being honest.” — lynnwoodblack

“Interrupting others or not listening. Seeming disinterested in what others are saying.” — animal-button

“Instant turn off for me is shitty grammar. Non-native English speakers excluded.” — MeetGroundbreaking41

“Being a perpetual victim. Everything is out of their control and they have ‘justified’ anger towards those who take control and succeed on their own” — pigtailsandwolfears

“Possessiveness, jealousy, deep-seated insecurity. Turns gorgeous humans into disgusting creatures.” — fontimus

“Can’t tell the difference between rudeness and honesty.” — NoUsername817226

“Lack of critical thinking. Not believing in growth.” — Foxy_Shazaaam

“If they have to put other people down to feel good. I’m the total opposite. I always try to give love to everyone. It just wouldn’t work.” — EasternAd999

“I’m gonna put something most don’t think about: if they are too similar in personality or the opposite—they are way too different in personality. I’d honestly hate to date me. It’s not because I don’t like who I am—I like myself just fine. I think it goes for everyone. You need to have a healthy amount of difference in a partner. On the opposite end, the same is true. Even if they’re a nice person, if you have absolutely nothing in common the attraction either won’t exist or is superficial.” — 7misshapen_nipples