TC Agency / Midjourney

The Test The Universe Needs You To Pass, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Some say that life is an IQ test. Others say it’s a test of character. Actually, it’s a test of both. Like it or not, life has a way of testing both your intelligence and your wisdom. Sometimes it feels overwhelming, and you feel tempted to look up to the sky and say, “Really? Really? What’s with the constant tests? Stop testing me and just let me know if I passed.”

This is why you should treat the bad things that happen to you not as insults, indignities, or as setbacks, but as tests. Most great movies are based on the lead character being tested. Picture yourself as the hero in a movie. Pass the test. Triumph over evil. As the credits roll, make sure you’re victorious rather than defeated.

Here’s how the universe will test your intelligence and wisdom based on your zodiac sign.

Aries: Loyalty

Loyalty is one of the truest measures of character, and this is a test you will be forced to pass at some time in the near future. As an alpha-type personality, you not only expect loyalty from others; you demand it. But do you reciprocate that loyalty, or do you flee at the first sign that a friend or loved one is having a bad streak of luck? Are you a fair-weather friend who ghosts someone when they’re having a rough time and it’s no longer fun or exciting to be around them? Some people go through harrowing ordeals that let them know who their friends really are. True friends stay around when things go bad. It’s up to you whether you flunk your upcoming loyalty test or pass it with flying colors.

Taurus: Honesty

The universe will force you to pass honesty tests on two fronts: with others and with yourself. Sometimes we lie to others to avoid punishment, disapproval, or in the vain hope that we don’t look like a rude and insensitive jackass. You will be tested as to whether you can share honest criticism without being mean. But more importantly, you will be forced to be completely truthful with yourself. Do you tell yourself lies merely to make things seem better? Just to feel better about yourself? What are you telling yourself right now that you know is a lie? Although it won’t be pleasant, you will face a personal trial that demands that you look in the mirror and stop lying to yourself. But in the long run, it will be for the best.

Gemini: Bravery

Life is sometimes filled with so many setbacks and heartaches that you wonder if it’s worth the struggle. Often it feels like a dreary routine of “one step forward, two steps back.” But this is only the universe testing your inner strength and will to survive. To pass the bravery test, you will have to approach life as if it’s a boxing match. You will need to keep alert and on your toes every second of every round. You will need to roll with the punches and stalk out opportunities to land clean punches. More than anything, no matter how exhausted you get, you must not quit. If you persevere, the referee will lift your arm in victory after the final bell rings.

Cancer: Patience

How many things need to go wrong before something goes right? As the Book of Proverbs says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” It becomes infuriating when individuals and society seem to be clumsier and less competent with every passing day. Why should you have to perform at warp speed when everyone around you is moving in slow motion? Make no mistake—you are being tested. And if you lose your cool, you will fail the test. Just grind your teeth, bite your lip, take a few deep breaths, and forge ahead calmly. As the ancient Greek fable of the Tortoise and the Hare teaches us, “Slow and steady wins the race.”

Leo: Sanity

Especially in recent years, the world seems as if it’s imploding, that it’s all house of cards built on lies that will soon come tumbling down. You can’t trust the news, the politicians, and sometimes even those close to you. It makes you feel as if your mind is being stretched until it snaps. Of course it’s tempting to live in a fantasy world rather than the real world. It’s also dangerous. You will be tested through temptation, but don’t escape into drugs or false assurances. As Rudyard Kipling wrote in his immortal poem If, are you able to keep your head while everyone around you is losing theirs and blaming it on you? If so, then you’ve passed the test!

Virgo: Optimism

Sometimes you find it hard not to be negative. How many more nights filled with sorrow, how many more days filled with hopelessness must you endure? Many things are beyond our control, but our attitude is not one of them. Negative attitudes sometimes cause negative consequences. The same applies to positive attitudes. Don’t allow negative circumstances to defeat you. Don’t let them win. True winners and real champions rise above setbacks. The rain will stop one day. The clouds will lift. The sun will come out in all its glory and shine on you—but only if you invite it.

Libra: Self-Awareness

As the Greek philosopher Socrates said, “Know thyself.” It’s the beginning of all understanding and wisdom. Explore your passions. Assess your weaknesses. What is it about yourself that you don’t like? What about yourself do you need to change? Think of the things you do and say that you know you wouldn’t respect if you saw someone else do or say them—and then take action to change them. After that, you need to learn a funny paradox: Sometimes self-awareness can only come from others. Maybe you’re completely oblivious to how you present yourself to others. It’s time to ask for honest feedback from your friends. Maybe sometimes they don’t want to hear you complaining or gossiping so much. Maybe you come off a little too angry. You can learn a lot about yourself from friends who care about you enough to be honest with you.

Scorpio: Organization

Right when you least expect it, life will come along and tell you to get your shit together. This applies not only to the festering mess around your house, but your overall lack of planning. If you don’t plan things yourself, demon fate will step in to make decisions for you. When you approach life randomly, expect random disasters to happen. Your life may be spinning out of control because you haven’t taken a firm grip on the steering wheel. If you don’t take the bull by the horns, you will get gored. So rise above the chaos and make it your bitch.

Sagittarius: Discipline

We all have a limited amount of time on this earth, and you waste far too much of it. You spend your time as if it’s someone else’s money, and it’s time to start making lists and accomplishing things rather than idly procrastinating and swiping online. Don’t allow yourself to get lazy. Think right now of all the things you do that you know are bad for you. Stop overeating. Overindulging. Oversleeping. Overspending. Wipe away the cobwebs that are impeding your personal progress. Set goals. Pursue them until you reach them. Until you exceed them. If you fail the discipline test, you’re in for a whole world of hurting.

Capricorn: Beliefs

The universe plans to put you through a spiritual wringer and make you endure crises of conscience that force you to question all your beliefs. Do you believe in God, equality, and justice? How can there be a God when there’s so much suffering? How can there be equality when some people are so good and others so bad? How can there be justice when there’s so much unfairness? How can your beloved truly love you when they’re so mean to you? But here’s the tricky part of the test—it just may be that the universe is giving you a reality check. Maybe it’s healthy to abandon beliefs that clearly aren’t true. Maybe the wise thing is to adopt wiser and more realistic beliefs.

Aquarius: Health

While you’re preoccupied keeping your love life, your social life, and your professional life healthy, the fates may throw you a curveball when it comes to your physical health. If you don’t have your health, you can’t have anything else. So you may be tested in a small way—maybe you’ll put on a little weight or suffer a vicious cold. Or maybe it will be a larger health problem that taps you gently on the back and reminds you of your mortality. You would be smart to heed this health crisis as the warning it is. The New Testament is correct when it says that your body is a temple and needs to be treated as if it’s holy. 

Pisces: Finances

Some people are born into wealth, some achieve it through hard work or cleverness, and some never come close to having it easy. Many people are only a paycheck or two away from poverty. Wherever you currently find yourself on the financial spectrum, you may take a financial hit this year or next. An unexpected expense may wipe you out, despite all of your hard work. The universe will be testing how wisely you react and how resilient you are in the face of adversity. If you pass the test, things will gradually get easier. You may not wind up living on Easy Street ever again, but you will be a wiser, stronger, and happier person.