Singles Reveal Whether They Believe ‘Once A Cheater, Always A Cheater’ Is True
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Singles Reveal Whether They Believe ‘Once A Cheater, Always A Cheater’ Is True

“People can learn from their mistakes. That being said, cheating isn’t a mistake like forgetting someone’s birthday or leaving your wallet at home. It’s premeditated and extremely selfish. Just like any other personal fuck-up, you can change, but it takes effort and serious self-reflection on your actions and how they affect others.” — Slowjams

“There is a chance that they can learn from their behavior and change. But as someone who was cheated on, I don’t necessarily think I would be comfortable dating them. I do think that if you do decide to date someone who has cheated, you should know and accept that it’s a possibility that they will cheat on you.” — jenuana

“I mean, making blanket statements are always technically wrong. You can always find an exception to the rule. But, by and large, people who have cheated in the past have a significantly larger chance of cheating again compared to those who don’t, so take that as you will.” — hehemyman

“If it happens early, ie ‘youthful indiscretion’ then I believe it is not necessarily true. People mature and come to realize how they affect others. If we’re talking about someone over 40 who has a history of cheating, then yes. They are not going to stop.” — [deleted]

“To me, it’s not about still being a cheater but about the worth of your word. In a relationship there is no promise more important than the promise of faithfulness. In fact, that’s what being in a relationship means: you promise each other to be faithful to each other. By breaking that promise your word has become less valuable than dog shit. What are you going to do? Say you’re sorry? Promise me you won’t do it again? I’m sorry but you’ve just proven that even the most important promises you make are absolutely worthless. There is no reason for me to believe a single word that comes out of your mouth.” — DaPino

“Once a line is crossed it is so much easier to do it again. This applies to anything that may be illegal or socially frowned upon. And getting away with it only reinforces the behavior. This I know.” — oldfashionedguy

“Everyone is different, and people cheat for different reasons. Sometimes genuine mistakes happen. Sometimes people are immature in their youth but wise up later. Sometimes it’s a result of bad communication or a bad relationship. I believe it has far more to do with the number of times than if they’ve ever done it at all. I believe in more of a ‘once is an accident, twice is a pattern’ kinda deal unless I have reason to believe they’re not going to do it again.” — catbirb

“As someone who once did this and has risen above it, it is impossibly difficult. I don’t expect anyone to make effort they don’t want to. So while I don’t believe the saying necessarily, I will admit that unless you absolutely want to change that behavior, you won’t.” — MrNoodlesandRedBull

“If someone has cheated on a partner in the past, but wants to be my partner, I will give them a shot. Once they cheat on me however, it’s game over.” — GroceryScanner