Love Is About The Soft Quiet Moments
Andrea Piacquadio

Love Is About The Soft Quiet Moments

Love is about spreading a blanket across your partner when they fall asleep on the couch watching movies. Turning the car on for them and scraping ice off the windows so they have an easy morning. Doing the dishes even when it’s their turn because you know they’ve been stressed and such a small gesture could make such a huge impact on their day.

Love is about scribbling sweet notes and leaving them sprawled around the house. Reminding them that you love them before you walk out the front door. Texting them little things that reminded you of them throughout the day. Checking in to make sure they’re feeling all right after a stressful afternoon. Kissing them on the forehead and cheek when you’re out in public and when you’re home alone.

Love is about listening to them rant when they’ve had a rough day at work and need an outlet for their annoyance. Letting them cry on your shoulder when they’re dealing with problems that you cannot even begin to understand. Rubbing circles on their back and warming up soup for them when they’re feeling under the weather. Volunteering to head out and grab them junk food or iced coffee to feel even the teeniest bit better after a horrible week.

Love is about attending family functions and work functions with them, even when you would rather stay home. It’s about supporting their hopes and dreams on the days when they stop believing in themselves. It’s about being their rock, their reminder that they are able to accomplish great things – and that you will be by their side as it happens, cheering them on.

Love is about squeezing hands on the couch while you watch a TV show reserved only for date nights. It’s about cuddling in bed while sharing secrets that you would never utter in the daylight. It’s about creating inside jokes and embarrassing nicknames that no one else will ever understand. It’s about fitting them into your routine and creating a schedule that works for you both. It’s about building a universe that exists only for the two of you.

Love is about opening up your heart and giving a huge chunk of yourself to someone else. It’s about letting down your guard and letting yourself feel emotions so intense that they might scare you. It’s about giving this other person as much effort as you can afford because you believe they are worth the trouble. It’s about finding someone who respects you and admires you, the real you, the person that most people never get to meet.

Love isn’t about the grand romantic gestures that happen once in a blue moon. It’s not about proving how much you care with money and material items. Love is about the little moments when you show how much you care. It’s about being there for another person, even when it’s inconvenient or awkward or a lot of hard work. Love is about trusting that this other person would do anything for you – and you would do the same for them.