Thought Catalog Agency

Read This When They Stop Texting You Back

When they stop texting you back, give them the benefit of the doubt. Wait a day or two before you reach out to check in again. Maybe say something like, “Hey are you okay?” or a more innocuous “This song I found reminded me of you.” Receive no response and wait another couple of hours before you realize that this might be the end. (It is.)

When they stop texting you back, blame yourself. Scroll back and back and back through the string of messages to try and figure out if you said something to upset them or said something so beyond weird that they had no choice but to walk away. Find no proof of either offense but still remain completely convinced their radio silence has everything to do with you and nothing to do with them.

When they stop texting you back, look in the mirror. Pick apart your appearance. Wonder if they left because of the way your jeans clutch your hips or because your hair is long instead of short. Forget that the way you look has nothing to do with your ability to love, and be loved.

When they stop texting you back, swipe open your phone again. Reread the texts and hunt for energy shifts, for signals they had one foot out the door. Find a few suspicious messages but realize the evidence is still inconclusive.

When they stop texting you back, buy a bottle of cabernet sauvignon and get really pissed. Blast Olivia Rodrigo and let the alcohol remind you of everything they did that was uncool. For example, they always ran late, they didn’t seem fully present when you were sharing your heart. You didn’t feel seen or respected when they were around. Become upset you weren’t the one to call it quits before them.

When they stop texting you back, throw yourself into work, into your life. Learn to appreciate the way your jeans hug your hips and realize that you love your hair long (even if they didn’t). Call your friends. Go to bed early. Focus on you. Find that heartbreak gets easier over time.

When they stop texting you back, remember who you are. Forget them slowly but not completely. Pause a moment before you finally delete their number, their texts, the photos. Be grateful it happened but also feel relieved it’s over. Remind yourself you don’t want who doesn’t want you.

When they stop texting you back, understand that sometimes someone you love changes their mind about you and there’s nothing you can do to convince them otherwise. So, instead, honor what happened. Forgive yourself for putting your faith in an empty promise.

When they stop texting you back, move on. Maybe not immediately, maybe not any time soon, but let go eventually. Give it time. Be patient. It’s going to be okay.