People Admit To Lies They’re Telling Their Partner
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11 People Admit To The Wholesome Lies They’ve Told Their Partner

“The first piece of jewelry I bought my wife was a necklace. We went on holiday and she lost it. I said I would replace it but it wasn’t the same, she was upset that she’d lost it for sentimental reasons. I emailed the hotel and of course they hadn’t found it. So I bought a replacement and told my wife they found it.” — YuccaYucca

“My ex-girlfriend had a few too many shots of tequila in a party and passed out on the couch. When I went to check her, I noticed she pissed all over the couch. To avoid embarrassment, I filled up a bucket with water and threw it over her to disguise it as a prank (I’m that kind of boyfriend). She still has no idea.” — lucioalvii

“Occasionally I hide bananas then make them reappear when they are brown just so she will make banana bread. ‘Look! You bought these bananas and no one ate them so they’re brown…I’m not about to waste these so why don’t you make some banana bread or something.'” — Richard-Hindquarters

“I feel really bad about how much money he spends on me (food, gifts, gas money) and he refuses to let me pay him back so sometimes I slip $5 and $10 bills into his wallet, pockets, and dresser drawers for him to ‘find.’ If he gives me his card to go into stores to buy something I use mine instead and don’t tell him. He’d be really really sad if he found out because he loves taking care of me.” — [deleted]

“My SO’s first language isn’t english. He always says ‘really much’ instead of ‘a lot.’ I won’t tell him it’s incorrect, I love when he says ‘I love you really much.’” — glossingoverfellatio

“I am notoriously difficult to surprise. I ask too many questions and it bothers me when things don’t add up. My husband was so proud of the fact that he kept his proposal a surprise and I didn’t expect it. In reality, I texted my best friend the day before with a list of six reasons why I suspected he was going to propose to me that weekend. I’m not going to tell him though. The proposal was really sweet and he put so much thought into it.” — carpecupcake

“I always watch ahead in Game of Thrones. They talk during each episode, and I can tolerate it better if I’ve already seen the episode.” — Mortuan

“Girlfriend locked her keys in her running car with her dog inside when picking up her daughter from daycare. I lied and said I had AAA so it’d be free to get lockout service. In reality I ordered AAA on the spot and paid the extra to have same day service so she didn’t have something else to worry about.” — MaybeClassy

“My wife thinks that our beta fish mojito lived for like five years. What she doesn’t know is that the role of mojito has been played by three separate beta fish over that time. RIP mojito 2 and 3.” — WingmanZer0

“One year for Christmas, she was trying to surprise me with something, but I hate surprises. I was out of a job at the time and didn’t want anything extreme because I knew I couldn’t return the favor. I told myself I wouldn’t snoop, just ask a few questions and express that I didn’t want anything big because poor. She decided to try and casually ask me if I was still interested in a concert for my favorite band, and I immediately knew. Her face gave it away. I knew she got tickets, but it was more. She got us meet and greet tickets, and I found out a few days later after her face kept giving it away. Christmas came and I was right. But I didn’t need to act, I was really happy. It was an amazing gift, and we had an amazing time. She was so proud of herself for pulling it off without telling me. I’ll never tell her I knew, just because she was so happy.” — cwe73

“My SO got me a beautiful necklace for our one year anniversary! It says love in a hundred languages when you shine a light through it, he was so excited to give it to me and so pleased he’d gotten me such a good, romantic present… the only problem was that my best friend had been given an identical necklace from her boyfriend on her birthday a week prior. He had no way of knowing and was so happy to get me such a unique gift that my friend and I just co-ordinate so we never wear them at the same time.” — smolkitten96