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3 Things You Should Never Do During A Situationship

A situationship is an undefined relationship that is definitely more than friendship but not a committed relationship…yet. And it may never become official. But it MIGHT. But then again, it probably won’t. But it could. Exhausted yet? So is everyone in the midst of a situationship.

Essentially, a situationship is the purgatory of modern dating. No one knows where they stand in one until the situationship ends, either with labels or with goodbyes.

Because of the lack of definition and the chance it could turn into nothing at all, situationships can be incredibly difficult to navigate. However, there are definitely things you should not do in a situationship in order to keep your head on right.

Here are three things you should never do during a situationship.

1. Don’t read too much into “the signs.”

Don’t read too much into the “signs” that your situationship could become a defined relationship because the evidence will always be unreliable. For example, it doesn’t really matter if he kisses you goodnight every time you see one another, texts you good morning each day, or says you’re the hottest woman he’s ever been with. It sucks, but none of that means anything unless he has audibly expressed he is looking for something serious with you.

Instead of hunting for clues that he is as into this as you are, you need to talk to him about where his head is at and what his intentions are. It’s scary but it will save you a lot of time and heartache to know if he’s not sincere sooner rather than later.

2. Don’t act like you’re committed.

Because you’re not. While it’s only human to start feeling a sense of loyalty and attachment to someone you’re in the midst of a situationship with, until there is an actual label on your situationship (i.e. committed relationship), you’re free to do as you please. This doesn’t mean you should be dishonest, not at all. It just means that you need to manage your expectations and not put all your eggs in one basket.

3. Don’t settle for less than what you want.

In other words, if the casual affair is no longer working for you, ask for what you want. Don’t pretend you’re okay with being in a situationship if you’re not okay being in one. If you have strong feelings for your situationship, you owe it to yourself to be upfront about what is going on in your heart. While rejection is always a possibility, giving them more time to decide how they feel about you won’t change the outcome. It will just delay and therefore prolong the hurt.