12 Cute Couple Stories That Will Give You Hope About Finding Your Person
Good Faces

12 Cute Couple Stories That Will Give You Hope About Finding Your Forever Person

A lot of couples meet over dating apps or in college — but other couples have unique stories that will blow you away. Here are some adorable couple stories that will give you hope about finding your forever person in the perfect way:

“I met my fiancée by offering her my umbrella when it was raining, and we walked through Washington Square Park at night together.” — [deleted]

“A friend of ours was married and found out he had cancer. His wife left him because fuck that, I guess. A friend of his with really good insurance suggested they get married just for the benefits for him medically. After a while it just clicked that they actually loved each other very much and they stayed married even after he went into remission and are one of the coolest couples we know.” — Bertfreakingmacklin

“A girl was helping her friend (also female) talk to some guy on Tinder. They matched with and set up a date with the fellow, and come the right time the girl who was supposed to be meeting him backed out. The girl that was helping originally thought he was too cute to let go, so she went herself and sat at a table near the guy and pretended that she was also being stood up and they got to talking.” — [deleted]

“Gal I used to work with met her husband while they were on jury duty together. They had the judge from the trial officiate their wedding.” — BraveLittleToastGirl

“An Air Force doctor told me about how she was in a combat zone and needed air support. The pilot who answered her call and picked her up had a really soothing voice so she went out of her way to find him again and thank him for his help. They ended up getting married and have a kid together now.” — kapojinha

“Sitting on a train traveling back home from London, I was behind a large group of people who were on their way home from their friend’s wedding. One of them asked how the friend met their spouse, and apparently their friend had been on a flight from London to Australia to go traveling for a few months – she didn’t have a full itinerary planned, but roughly knew what she was doing. She was traveling alone, but her seat mate struck up a conversation. They had a great time, and found out they’d even studied the same subject at university. They parted ways when they landed in Hong Kong. When they boarded the next flight in Hong Kong, however, they found they were again seated next to each other. Upon landing in Australia, the guy was supposed to go on to New Zealand, but they both decided to ditch their plans, and travel together. They’ve been together ever since.” — skywalkergal

“Cute story my old chemistry teacher told me: She had a boy who was brilliant but never tried and failed the class as a result. Next year he was back and she seated him next to a pretty, very smart girl. You bet he worked his ass off to impress her. They’re now married with two kids.” — FreeDobby2k18

“My mother was an elementary school teacher who assigned a class project to write a letter to people in the military to be delivered randomly. My dad was in the navy and didn’t get much mail, so when ‘extra’ randomly assigned mail came in, he would sometimes get it. Turns out, my dad got my mom’s letter and decided to write back” — Mattyb2851

“My dad met my mom’s sister at the airport by chance, and he told my aunt he’s looking for a wife. He found my aunt attractive so he was curious if there was more where that came from.” — halal_queries_only

“A sophomore and a freshman at my high school were cast as Romeo and Juliet respectively in our school play. Bam, love happened. I think their love story is much cuter than the original Shakespeare. They now both attend the same university (they had to do long distance for a year, but they made it work). I think they’ve been together for about five years now? They’re adorable.” — FreeDobby2k18

“My parents met because they were partners for Trivial Pursuit at a party. They almost won but missed the last question. My dad then asked her to ;a cheap movie or something’ and they were engaged and married within a year. Been happily married 31 years! Funniest part is my mom is very very very NOT social at all (both my parents are very socially awkward introverts) and was only there because she was bored and her roommate invited her to said party.” — rahyveshachr

“My parents met because my Dad played a practical joke on my Mom while she was at work. Her boss got so mad, he told my Dad he would never be able to shop there again if he didn’t apologize and take her out to dinner. The rest is history.” — peacocksparrow