15 Signs Your Relationship Has Run Its Course
Filipp Romanovski

15 Signs Your Relationship Has Run Its Course

You don’t want to stay in a relationship after it has run its course. You should know when to leave so you don’t end up putting up with less than you deserve. Here are a few signs a relationship has run its course:

“The sight of them does nothing for you. Getting a text or phone call from them elicits an eye roll. You try to avoid them. You cannot hold a conversation with them because everything they say is irritating. You really could not care less about their day or anything they have to say to you. You find yourself fantasizing of a life without them… and it makes you smile. You know, just to name a few.” — PurpleVein99

“Spending time with one another feels like a chore. Neither loving someone nor being in love with someone is enough to make a pairing last, especially if one of you feels like they’re carrying more emotional weight than the other. If you dread the prospect of spending extended periods of time with your partner (or if you suspect that they have similar reservations about your interactions), it’s generally a sign that the relationship is nearing its end.” — RamsesThePigeon

“When you catch yourself lying often. When you’re hiding who you are around them because you don’t want to fight or disappoint them.” — I_hate_traveling

“There is no more communication exchange. You always feel like the next thing you say will cause another fight.” — trendz19

“When you can’t make yourself trust them again no matter how hard you try.” —rebelliousarms

“If you find that you can only relax and be yourself when they aren’t around, crushing you with the weight of their silent judgement and disapproval, it’s way past the expiration date.” — downhereforyoursoul

“You’ve bottled your real feelings up so much that now everything they do or say fills you with contempt. Oops.” — breakfastinthemornin

“When you turn the corner driving home, and feel disappointment when you see their car in the driveway – because you know the minute you step in the door they’re going to start crapping on you again.” — lucky_ducker

“From personal experience, the biggest indicator is when tensions should be high, you should be upset or arguing, but you just don’t care anymore.” — ThunderPantsDance

“When you notice that your partner doesn’t miss you (or vice versa) after being separated for a while. If you’ve been apart for a couple weeks or longer and your partner still feels no particular urgency to see you or talk to you, then the relationship is dead.” — RurouniKarly

“You no longer like the way your SO smells.” — GenJonesMom

“Contempt. I took a marriage and family course in college and the professor said that’s one of the biggest signs things are going to/should end. And I’ve 100% been there.” —tldrjane

“When you realize that your partner will never be willing to put in the work to make the relationship succeed. And if when planning the future, it’s not feasable to maintain your relationship while also continuing towards your dreams and end goals.” — maeb84

“When you start fighting about a lot of meaningless things. In many cases, I’d say it’s a manifestation of the hesitation to deal with the quite harsh truth that you no longer feel that you want to be with the person. Having to face the fact that the person you’ve been so close to, the person you’ve shaped your future with, the person you sacrificed a lot for, the person you might’ve introduced to your friends, etc, is really difficult. So it’s easier to say that your exasperation with the person is because they didn’t do (x).” — coraldomino

“The nature of the relationship changes – there’s nothing as exciting as a new love, there’s nothing as comfy as an old love. Don’t confuse that change with the end of a relationship. It’s when you just don’t want to be around them anymore that the end has come.” — ksiyoto