8 Red Flags That He’s Going To Ghost
Toa Heftiba

8 Red Flags That He’s Going To Ghost

Sometimes, you won’t see ghosting coming. Someone will disappear out of your life without warning when you least expect it. However, this doesn’t have to be a surprise. There are red flags that you can keep an eye out for in order to protect your heart. Here are some red flags that someone is going to ghost you eventually:

There’s an emotional block between you. No matter how hard you try to get them to open up to you, they won’t tell you details about their personal life. They won’t give you anything deeper than their favorite movies and musicians. All of your conversations are superficial – or they revolve around you and what you think. Honestly, you don’t know them half as well as you wish you did.

They suck at answering texts. Maybe they haven’t ghosted you yet, but they have ignored your texts for days or weeks on end. They have ended the conversation out of nowhere when it seemed like they were completely engaged only minutes ago. Usually, they’re the one ending the conversation prematurely. And it happens without saying goodbye.

They cancel plans at the last second. They’re never able to follow through on their plans. They break promises again and again, leaving you hanging. And they usually wait until the last second to break the news to you. They don’t give you a warning in advance. They shoot you a last-second text to say that the plans are off.

They aren’t involving you in their personal life. They aren’t introducing you to their friends and family. They aren’t making you a part of their routine. They are keeping you at an arm’s length. You might have fun when it’s only the two of you, but it’s rare for you to go out and get seen together in public. It’s almost like you’re a secret.

They reply with one-word answers. You shouldn’t be the only one trying to keep the conversation going. If they usually respond with one or two words, they might be soft ghosting you. That’s basically when they start to answer slower and give shorter answers until they disappear completely. Even if leaving isn’t their intention, it’s doubtful you’ll keep talking if you’re unable to hold a conversation with each other.

They aren’t interested in making a commitment. If they’re always talking about how much they go with the flow and play the field, and they aren’t interested in entering a serious relationship, then they might end up ghosting.

They never talk about where they see your relationship heading. If they change the subject whenever you mention your future together, it’s not a great sign. It might mean that they aren’t planning on sticking around. That they don’t intend to be with you for much longer.

You’ve seen them do the same thing to others. Ghosting usually isn’t a one-time thing. If you’ve seen them go MIA on friends and family members that they’ve lost interest in keeping around, then there’s a chance they’re going to say goodbye to you in the same way.