4 Zodiac Signs That Like To Eat Ice Cream In Winter

It may surprise you to learn that according to some sources, Alaskans eat more ice cream per person than people in any other US state.

“But how can this be?” you ask, overlooking the fact that most spicy cuisines—i.e., foods that taste “hot”—originate in hot climates because they stimulate sweating and cool down the body.

Although ice cream may be cold going down, it actually warms the body over time because of its high caloric content. Calories act like logs thrown on a crackling winter fire. Plus, ice cream’s high sugar content can give you a much-needed energy boost when you’re trying to lift yourself out of the midwinter blahs. Ice cream also contains a compound that stimulates the production of the mood enhancer serotonin. And since winter is a common time for sore throats, ice cream can help to soothe them.

Besides all that, unless you live in an igloo, your house is mostly kept at room temperature during the winter, so unless you’re standing on the banks of Lake Erie in February lapping at a waffle cone as frigid winds blow in over the lake and bite at your skin, you won’t feel much of a temperature difference if you’re eating ice cream indoors.

Another big difference is that unlike eating ice cream out under the withering summer sun, it doesn’t melt nearly as fast in the winter, allowing you to enjoy it at your leisure.

Then again, some people are born rebels who don’t do things because they make sense or are good for you.

Here are the four zodiac signs who like to eat ice cream when the weather outside is frightful.

1. Aries 

Aries, you are a self-centered self-starter who listens far more to your inner voice than you heed the voices of others, and you don’t care if people call you crazy for wanting to gobble down a pint of Ben & Jerry’s amid a frigid January blizzard. You do what you want when you want, and if everyone else is drinking hot chocolate and hot coffee when it’s cold outside, all it means is more ice cream for you! Many is the winter night when you can be found rummaging through the freezer in your pajamas, reaching for that gallon of ice cream and treating yourself to a furtive winter snack.

2. Gemini

As one of the signs that hates winter the most, it seems contradictory that you’d enjoy gorging on ice cream when it’s cold and dark outside. But this is exactly why you like ice cream during the dreaded winter months—you reach for it just like an alcoholic reaches for a drink. It’s a comfort food, and you’ll do nearly anything to blunt winter’s edge, even if you know it’s not very good for you in the long run. But you were born when the weather is warm, and you’ll do whatever you can to soften winter’s harshness—even if it gives you a tiny shiver when it’s going down. 

3. Sagittarius

You are renowned for being the most free-spirited, curious, and adventurous of the zodiac signs, and the reason you continue eating ice cream into the winter months is because brands offer limited-edition special flavors that aren’t available while the weather is warm. With Halloween comes pumpkin-spice-flavored ice cream; winter brings unique treats such as eggnog and candy cane ice cream. And to be honest, does anything on God’s green Earth taste better than a nice slab of ice cream getting all gooey as it melts over a thick slice of heated pecan or apple pie?

4. Aquarius 

Although you were born in the dead of winter, you are not immune to hitting an emotional roadblock when the days get short, the nights get long, and you need mittens and thermal underwear just to stick your toes outside. So when you open up that pint of ice cream on a frosty winter’s day, it’s like how everything suddenly changes from black-and-white to color in The Wizard of Oz. The room fills with rainbows, unicorns, and clowns. Everything comes to life. Things feel and taste more vivid. Plus, as a zodiac sign who always thinks outside the box, you won’t allow anyone to tell you that it’s unorthodox to eat cold foods in the winter. You live to be unorthodox. So you think outside the box and live inside the pint.