4 Types Of Crushes That Are Hardest To Get Over
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4 Types Of Crushes That Are The Hardest To Get Over

Crushes can be fun and harmless – but they can also be incredibly painful. Sometimes, getting over someone that you were crushing on can feel as brutal as a breakup with someone you were officially dating. Remember, it’s never easy to move past your feelings. You certainly aren’t alone. Sometimes, getting over a crush feels like an impossible task. Especially when you’re in one of these situations:

Crushes who send mixed signals.

It’s hard to get over someone who flirts with you one day, then acts like you mean nothing to them the next day, because you have no idea what their real feelings are about you. You can’t tell whether they’re scared to get too close because they like you too much – or whether they’re only flirting when they’re bored and have no interest in something serious. Even though there are days when you want to swear off them for good, it’s hard to get over them when they always come crawling back with the cutest compliment you’ve ever heard in your life. The cycle never ends.

Crushes who you’ve been friends with for a while.

It’s never easy to cope with feelings for a friend, especially when you know a relationship with them is a bad idea. Getting over them might feel impossible because you get along so well. You love hanging out with each other. You already do half the things that happy couples do. And if you’re crushing hard, it can feel like torture to hang out with them without taking things a step further. Your hangout sessions can morph from fun and harmless to awkward and painful.

Crushes who you’re spending time with every single day.

Maybe you’re working with them, living in the same town as them, or have a class with them. Either way, you see them so frequently that it’s hard to forget about them. Out of sight, out of mind won’t work because you’re forced to be in close proximity to them way too often. And it’s never easy to get over someone when you see the things you love about them every single day. When you’re constantly reminded of all the reasons why you fell for them in the first place.

Crushes who already act like your partner – but don’t want a real relationship.

Sometimes, your crushes will take the flirting too far. They will take advantage of the fact that you like them and make you think that they feel the same way through their actions, even though their words are saying it’s never going to happen. It’s the worst when they treat you like you’re already dating, but swear up and down that they aren’t interested in a serious relationship. It can be hard to step away from them because you would rather have this small fraction of their attention than nothing at all. But you need to remember that you should hold out for someone who is willing to give you everything you want, not only a sliver.