19 Red Flags From Men On Dating Apps
Laura Chouette

19 Red Flags From Men On Dating Apps

“Anything that insinuates you’re too good to be on [insert dating site here]. If you were really too good for Tinder, you wouldn’t be on Tinder.” — airfrommylungs

“For pictures: When all of your Tinder pictures are with other girls or poor attempts to crop your ex out. — cutthroatblondebitch

“When they message you out of nowhere and the first thing they say is sexual. I legitimately had a guy message me, ‘I want to shoot in your mouth’ as a first message. Never saw or heard from the guy before and THAT’S how he thinks it would be appropriate to start a conversation. I mean really.” — Miss_Mollyarty

“I’m a nice guy. I don’t understand why women don’t like nice guys. Ditto about guys claiming they are intelligent and then saying women don’t like intelligent guys.” — barbequelighter

“Anything along the lines of ‘just tired of games’ or ‘looking for someone who is real.’ You sound like a whiny person who has some serious baggage.” — [deleted]

“Hearing about their ex/ bad breakup. Or ‘if I read your profile and like what I see, I may reply to your message.’ Chill out there Narcissist Ned.” — RNtUGlad

“A lot of party pictures where the person looks constantly drunk is an instant no.” — yaradahl

“Putting a quote in their bio about how most women are crazy and how he’s looking for a woman who isn’t crazy.” — chickenandnuggies

“I’m probably more awesome than you. A friend wanted to know why he was never getting girls. This was on his page. I told him if I saw this I’d see it as a major red flag and indication of negging to come.” — handstandmonkey

“Bad grammar. And saying you like to party as if that’s your favorite hobby.” — evilene_sorcha

“A list of emojis I’m supposed to decipher that explain who you are.” — pieceofgrass

“Blank profiles. Profiles that make it clear you are deeply full of yourself. Ones with shirtless mirror photos.” — eriee

“Really any list of people you don’t want to date. It just makes you look like an asshole… Just filter out who you don’t want.” — cmc

“Claiming to be looking for someone who isn’t shallow or superficial, then listing all the physical traits you have to have (e..g, must have at least C cup breasts). My biggest beef with this one is not listing a physical trait that you desire/don’t desire; it’s the hypocrisy of expecting others to overlook your shortcomings while refusing to overlook theirs.” — [deleted]

“When they find the need to mention weed/420 in their profile. I don’t give a shit if you smoke, but if you find the need to mention it in your profile like it’s some part of your identity, it’s probably too important in your life for me to really dig.” — hahaeh

“Fluent in sarcasm. I think this one’s unisex. Translation: I’m not funny, but I’ve convinced myself that the reason nobody laughs at my jokes is that they’re just too intellectual and edgy for a mainstream audience.” — Tawny_Frogmouth

“I just want someone who can hold an intelligent conversation. Every single guy I’ve come across that says this usually means, I want to talk about things I’m interested in and nothing else.” — K8eCastle

“When they write something prematurely passive aggressive like .. ‘6’ 2” … because apparently it’s such a big deal.’ Deal Breaker.” — Janelloshots

“Any large rants. Particularly those about people not responding to their messages, pleading for people to give them a chance/they’re a nice guy/you women are so superficial/tired of all the FAKENESS type crap. Also any fully capitalized sentences. No thank you.” — royallyred