17 Early Signs That A Breakup Is In Your Future
Jessica Christian

17 Early Signs That A Breakup Is In Your Future

“You don’t miss them when you’re not together. Actually feeling a little relieved to have some time for yourself.” — shemanese

“Asking friends if they think you should break up. At least for me this means you’ve made the decision you just want it backed up by someone.” — corobo

“When I really didn’t care if he cheated on me. I had zero jealousy over him. Actually, I kinda hoped he would. It would’ve given me a really easy out.” — lilybirdgk

“You stop talking to each other. In the early days of the relationship, you can’t wait to tell them every little thing that happened to you. And then towards the end, you analyze everything like ‘does he/she need to know this?’ Maybe they get annoyed at you telling them random stories or they won’t stop talking about theirs or you feel like anything you talk about will raise unnecessary questions and might result in a fight.” — Grand-World-1629

“When you get anxiety as soon as they get home.” — ResponsibleCourse693

“When you realize you’ve gone through the same cycle with them over and over, and talked about it every time, and they acknowledge it and promise to make changes but never do.” — Tesashev

“When you start contemplating if the relationship is worth it and find yourself more annoyed by your partner’s presence than enjoying it.” — BaileyHeart

“The loss of trust is easy to pick up on. If they can’t trust you for the little stuff, they won’t for the big stuff.” — GoodRighter

“When answers become consistently shorter. For any relationship friend, family, etc. you can tell a lot by how they answer things. Unless they always answer simple questions in short and concise ways (like I tend to do).” — PrankishCoin71

“Avoidance of affection.” — jdreviews

“When something simple, like hanging out, feels like a chore.” — Burrito_Loyalist

“I think when you just don’t care anymore. You don’t care to fight with them. You don’t care to be intimate. You don’t care to make an effort.” — dabbiedabbiedoo

“When you think twice before sharing something that makes you happy or sad with them.” — SnooBunnies9221

“I remember seeing an article about a study that found contempt to be the best indicator. So they recorded a bunch of couples having a conversation and then a few years later checked back in to see who was still together and who had split. They then looked over the recordings in search of trends. They found contempt (rolling of eyes, putting down the other person’s interests or perspectives, etc.) to be the number one indicator.” — the_ricktacular_mort

“They don’t answer your texts, phone calls or emails without explanation. Acting indifferent or uninterested when you are out together.” — intransit47

“When you start planning without the other person/they start planning without you. Life plans that is, not necessarily social outings.” — randombutnicedick

“Laying awake with a nauseated feeling about how you can break it off. Literally feeling sick from constantly thinking about ending it because you know you need to, but just can’t for various reasons.” — what-why-