16 Types Of People You Cannot Trust With Your Heart
Aloha Risha

16 Types Of People You Can Never Trust

“People who never commit to plans, but make sure they’re holding that door open still. They’re almost always opportunists who are just waiting for something better to come along. But just in case my plans are better they don’t want to say no. They’re almost always going to stand you up, or cancel last minute at some point.” — AntisocialDiggle

“I don’t trust people who are terrible at responding to texts and phone calls, but are always on their phone when you’re with them in person.” — RIPtheBemoji

“I don’t trust people who treat you like a best friend the first time they meet you. Those are the people that you tend to notice have a billion acquaintances and EVERYONE loves them, but they have no close friends. They’re friends with EVERYONE. That’s dangerous territory for me.” — scottevil110

“Have more than two phones on them. Zero phones is ok, not everyone needs a cellphone. One is regular, a lot of people have a phone. Two? Ok, so you got a personal phone and a work phone. No problem. Three? They are up to something. Whether it be drugs or cheating.” — Zoahking

“I don’t trust people who insist on using my name in every sentence, I get the feeling they want to manipulate me or sell me something. It’s the kind of shit I bet they learn in Salesman 101 to get suckers to trust them.” — Cunnilingus_Academy

“People who say, ‘Don’t tell anyone but…’ or, ‘I’m not supposed to say this to anyone but…’ or some version of not being able to keep to themselves what was disclosed to them in confidence. It immediately tells me nothing I tell them is safe.” — delibertine

“People that don’t pay back money they owe you. Hey sometimes they forget a few dollars and that’s understandable but if it happens more than twice regardless of the amount, I suddenly have no cash on me ever.” — tzzz11

“Badmouth their spouses. Anybody who has so little respect for their own life partners makes me wonder if can they respect anybody or anything.” — jimmyjazz2000

“I don’t trust people who have a story for everything. They’re usually always lying to get you to like them.” — [deleted]

“Talk way too much about how awesome they are.” — [deleted]

“I don’t trust people who have too many friends. Like having a Facebook group chat with 30+ people in. The fuck? Who has the time?” — Jezzmoz

“People who can and willingly hurt pets. If they have the capacity to hurt a loving/loyal pet, then they are a step away from treating humans the same.” — Booner999

“Can never be on time. I’m talking about habitually late people who never get anywhere on time a laugh about it. Drives me crazy.” — brokendowndryer

“Compliment me a lot. It tends to feel disingenuous after a while and makes me feel like they have other motives.” — flynnliv

“People who pull their phone out when they talk to you, as if they want to have it handy to reference for an excuse (text, call, email etc) to exit the conversation when it suits them.” — Meowmeowsuplex

“Hate children. I don’t mean people who don’t like children. I understand that they can be extremely annoying and a complete and total pain in the ass. I get that not everyone can deal with or have kids, that’s completely fine. It’s people who really hate children. The kind of people who when a baby smiles at them at the supermarket, they sneer and roll their eyes. Or comment on expecting parents as ‘carrying parasites’. Or genuinely find humor in children getting hurt.” — lilcipher