16 People Share Their Biggest Relationship Fears (That Are Super Common)
Arina Krasnikova

16 People Share Their Secret Relationship Fears (That Are Super Common)

Itā€™s natural to be scared of getting attached. After all, thereā€™s so much that could go wrong in a relationship. Here are some super common relationship fears to prove you arenā€™t alone in feeling this way:

ā€œIā€™m scared that Iā€™ll smother someone in affection and itā€™ll turn them off from me. Iā€™ve always felt emotions strongly, and sometimes I have to reign it back, but I worry that Iā€™ll fall for someone hard and they wonā€™t have the same reaction.ā€ ā€” BaByJeZuZ012

ā€œIā€™m scared of having an amazing relationship and loving each other a lot but having a fundamental incompatibility which means you donā€™t have a future together and at some point you have to make the decision to break up despite nothing being wrong.ā€ ā€” MakingYouMad

ā€œIā€™m scared that theyā€™ll meet someone better than me. Itā€™s happened far too often and I donā€™t know if I could ever not have that thought in the back of my mind.ā€ ā€” Waniou

ā€œIā€™m scared that they donā€™t like me back, even if it is only a platonic relationship. I worry every day that my friends only hang out with me because they feel bad for me. If I donā€™t get enough attention in a relationship then I start to panic and wonder if itā€™s one-sided.ā€ ā€” bixelss

ā€œIā€™m scared that the tiny things that the other person does, the weird habits which you donā€™t understand, which seem adorable or quirky initially, might start grating on you over time. That youā€™ll run out of things to say one day and you will not not want to know how their day went or what theyā€™re up to. That going out on dates will just be a formality because it is a familiar and convenient ritual, and you have adjusted to it now even though you donā€™t care about meeting.ā€ ā€” InnocuousCyanide

ā€œIā€™m scaredĀ that theyā€™ll lose interest or stop being attracted to me.ā€ ā€” theatregirl2001

ā€œIā€™m scared that things I told him in confidence will no longer be kept to himself.ā€ ā€” bllaaushpibu

ā€œIā€™m scared that sheā€™ll notice the things Iā€™m insecure about and leave me.ā€ ā€” drayd38

ā€œIā€™m scared that Iā€™ve already met and lost the love of my life (which is something I didnā€™t believe in before I met her). I worry that Iā€™ll never value any relationship enough as it will always feel like a consolation prize and that whoever Iā€™m with will sense that and it will tear us apart. I crave intimacy like any human being but fear it will cause too much pain for everyone involved.ā€ ā€” TellMeHowImWrong

ā€œIā€™m scared that it will become abusive like my first long term relationship.ā€ ā€“ NumerousAnybody

ā€œIā€™m scared of losing my independence and not being able to do what I want, when I want. Guess thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been single for so long and donā€™t really want a relationship.ā€ ā€” DeathSpiral321

ā€œIā€™m scared that the other is person playing me/cheating on me. That happened once when I was heavily interested in a person and was wanting to move forward in our relationship. It hurt me when I found out and took a long time to get over.ā€ ā€” Elfslayer95

ā€œIā€™m scared of being emotionally invested into something that might not work.ā€ ā€” [deleted]

ā€œIā€™m scared of missing out on something better.ā€ ā€” LachsAtoll003

ā€œIā€™m scared of wasting my time. Likeā€¦ is this worth the time and energy I put into it? Will this be worth it?ā€ ā€” Sourdough85