13 Women Reveal The Beauty Routine That Changed Their Life
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13 Women Share The Beauty Tip That Changed Their Life (And Their Looks)

“I splurged and bought ‘salon quality’ shampoo and conditioner. I always thought it was a gimmick. Why pay 30 dollars when I can get the same stuff for 99 cents? 30 dollar bottles of shampoo or conditioner last me a whole year and my hair is so healthy and pretty now!” — [deleted]

“I stopped using face wash in July. I started using microfiber cleansing cloths. GAME CHANGER. I rarely have to even use eye makeup remover because the cloths remove every speck of dirt, foundation, oil, and mascara. Amazing. “ — Talulapants

“It sounds overly simple, but drinking more water. I never used to pay attention to my daily water intake, but once I made it a point to drink more water I noticed how effectively it revived my skin. Especially my face. I don’t ever feel like my skin is dull or tired anymore. It’s true that they say that keeping hydrated maintains that natural suppleness and glow for your skin.” — BlackStormBrewing

“Use men’s razors to shave your legs instead of the ones for women. Better shave, quality, and cheaper price.” — [deleted]

“I use an excessive amount of conditioner and leave it in my hair the entire time I shower. I used to be conservative with conditioner and my hair would be poofy and frizzy and just look bad. Once I started using way more than I thought I should and leaving it in as long as possible before rinsing, now my hair lays much better with little need to style it, and is so much less frizzy and poofy.” — OhBlaDii

“Lip primer before lipstick. I didn’t think it did anything and never used it until recently. My lips are always dry, and liquid lipstick especially would frequently look like a disaster by the end of the day. Now that I’ve been using primer I don’t have to retouch my lipstick for the entire day (that’s with drinking water all day and eating) and the texture of my lips are less ‘line-y’ and dry looking. Of all the primers (eye, face, lip), it’s the one that gives me the most noticeable and long lasting effect.” — [deleted]

“When blow drying my hair, divide it into two sections instead of just blasting my head with the blow dryer.” — mote0fdust

“Not wearing makeup everyday. I used to be pretty self conscious and hid behind makeup. The irony is that my skin looks better and healthier today than it did ten years ago.” — ZappatheGreat

“Use deodorant sticks. I used to use roll ons or spray deodorants, but I just find using the sticks are more comfortable and lasts longer.” — Punkrockit

“Mousse the roots of my hair and put it up in a clip overnight. Instant volume.” — PerilousAll

“Learning how to tight line. I’ve got slightly hooded lids so it REALLY makes a difference and it makes my lashes look super lush.” — TheGamesAfoot11

“Wearing sunscreen daily!“ — wahteverr

“Lipstick, it gives the illusion of dressing up without all the effort.” — sunnynaps