11 Types Of People You Never Want To Hand Your Heart
Thought Catalog Agency

11 Types Of People Who Don’t Deserve Your Heart

“People who are too persistent. It’s always sold in rom-coms and in relationships. But usually your persistence is a complete lack of respect for other people’s boundaries or holding onto things that aren’t working out.” — fishnugget1

“People who practice toxic positivity, ie: people who try to find the good in everything. There’s a lot to be said for having a positive outlook but it quickly becomes toxic when you start defending abusers (I’m sure your parents still loved you in their own way) or trivializing people’s sadness (so you got fired – it just means you get to pursue a new opportunity!). Sometimes the appropriate answer to a situation is to just acknowledge that things suck.” — schnit123

“People who are overprotective. Not the general caring/protecting someone, but a lot of people seem to think it’s so adorable when someone is super overprotective over someone else. I’m not weak, I can do things by myself just fine, thanks.” — viking162

“People who are always busy and constantly working hard. I have family members that call me lazy because I’ve created a life that doesn’t revolve around constant grinding. Constantly being busy, getting up at the crack of dawn, always complaining about being tired, regularly talking about how there’s just not enough time to do things they enjoy — all as if it’s some badge of honor.” — ElleCBrown

“People with a super ultra laid back mentality. Not everything is ok. Not everything is a joke or is cool. It’s good to have boundaries and to take things seriously.” — coldbloodedcreatures

“People with excessive stoicism. Not sharing opinions and emotions for fear of weakness harms your relationships with others.” — defyoz

“People who insist, ‘Family comes first.’ I grew up thinking that I had a very close extended family until I realized just how shitty and miserable most of them were. I have cut them out and feel so much better about it.” — cosmonaut205

“People that do good deeds so they can brag about it or use it to their own advantage. ‘Look at me, I’m such a good person! I do all these nice things, not because I wanted to be a good person or anything, nope! Just so I could tell everyone about all the good things I do! Repeatedly. Like all the time. Because I’m a good person, remember? Hey by the way, could you do me a fav–‘” — bayleaf0098

“People who practice whataboutism. It’s a pitiful attempt to deflect or excuse your own toxic behavior on the basis that it’s either justified by someone else’s behavior, or, because of a hypothetical situation that doesn’t exist.” — FUTFUTFUTFUTFUTFUT

“People that say they’re always 100% honest and aren’t afraid to speak their mind. It’s definitely useful when needed, but all the time just makes the person seem insufferable and rude.” — RackingRods

“People that ‘are always worried of you’ but they are just expecting the moment you make a mistake or be under a bad situation so they can feel relieved their lives are better than yours.” — iangeca