Signs You’re Dating A Manipulative Man
Mihail Tregubov

11 Signs You’re Dating A Manipulative Man

“They have a long list of friends that apparently all turned into assholes. There’s quite a few AMAZING friends and a whole lot of FUCKING ASSHOLES that used to be the amazing friends. These people put up with the toxic person’s shit, wizened up, and left. The common thread is the toxic person.” – frogdude2004

“Compares you to everyone else in their life. Ex-lovers, friends, family members, and your eventual replacement. When idealizing, they make you feel special by telling you how much better you are than these people. When devaluing, they use these comparisons to hurt you.” — Elliewatsonn

“They will make you feel like you owe them. They’ve done you a little favor? My God, they will hold it against you forever.” — gabdmm

“People who constantly use ‘non-apologies’, i.e. ‘Sorry if you thought I…’ or something that implies the fault is your perception rather than their direct actions. It’s not a real apology and they don’t think they did jack shit wrong. I’ve noticed that trend with certain people. 9 times out of 10, if that’s their go-to apology format, they end up being shitty people.” — thelastyellow

“They lie when they have no reason to. If lying has been made habit, it means they have done it a lot. If you hear a lie, where the truth has no consequence, you can never trust another word out of their mouth.” — KlassikKiller

“Not ‘allowing’ you to spend time with other people, only contacting you in times of crisis and then demanding for all of your time, swift mood changing when they don’t get their way, constantly blaming and shaming you for small things or things you didn’t do.” — rtj9695

“They convince you that no one else cares for you. This is done with a mixture of doting on you and convincing you that you’re so worthless that it’s frankly charity that the toxic person keeps you around. This alienates you from everyone else.” — frogdude2004

“Toxic people will often challenge you on how / why events happened. It’s either because they’re deliberately trying to gaslight you, or they’re so narcissistic that they’ve already internally rationalized the event to support their needs. Toxic people will also challenge you on your feelings – they will tell you that you don’t actually feel a certain way or that you ought not to feel a certain way.” — bebemochi

“Making you convinced that you’re the manipulator/crazy one to excuse their actions. Unfortunately, if they’re a good manipulator, it might be hard to tell while your still in the relationship— -Corva-

“They put themselves on a pedestal. They can do no wrong, while everything you say or do is wrong.” — gabdmm

“Love bombing. Someone who slowly integrates themself into your everyday activities, texts you all the time but not to the point of annoyance, convinces you to hang out with them all the time to the point you start neglecting your other friends, paying for everything, generally doing and saying all the right things to make you just adore them and make you think you need them. Then once they have you, the subtle insults start….then they get more frequent, then they get less subtle…..until your self-worth is literally in the trash and they start yelling and screaming at you for being yourself.” — supermarketsweeps25