11 Old Married Couples Reveal The Small Things That Keep Their Marriage Strong

11 Old Married Couples Reveal The Small Things That Keep Their Relationship Strong

If you want your relationship to last, you need to treat your person right. You need to put in effort every single day. Here are some things that happily married couples do to keep their marriage strong:

“Letting her know when I’m upset so that she doesn’t have to guess and we can talk about it.” — ssjgoat

“We walk our dog together every day. It sounds dumb, but just talking for 20 minutes about nothing is nice.” — thirteenthfox2

“We both agreed that whenever we start to have an argument to do a gut check, i.e. check if either one of us is hungry. If so, end the argument immediately, eat something, and wait half an hour to see if we want to resume arguing. We now argue about twice a year.” — SsurebreC

“I’m one of those people that absolutely suck at knowing what to say when trying to comfort someone and I’ll always wind up saying something that just makes it worseâ€Ĥ I think the best relationship advice I have ever received is that you don’t have to always verbally comfort them and you can still let them know you care by just being there – holding their hand or just sitting with them while they’re sad. This saves me many times.” — Richard_james2

“Don’t be afraid to admit fault and don’t make excuses. If you hurt them, even if you didn’t mean to, apologize.” — not_just_amwac

“Just letting things go. Seriously. Don’t argue about every little thing that pisses you off.” — FlakeyGurl

“Giving each other personal space but expressing our love for each other every chance we get. There have been many days where we’ll find ourselves busy but one will always come to the other at some point to say we haven’t looked at the other enough. We’ll hold each other, look at each other for a few minutes, just being present with each other and tell each other we’re madly in love with the other and kiss.” — delibertine

“This is a big one for me – whenever my wife talks about me in front of other people she always, always says the absolute best things about me, even though I give her plenty to complain about. She even does it when I’m not around since friends mention my wife said this or that. All of our friends think I’m a rockstar husband and father and I think this is largely due to me fitting the role she made for me. She wins me respect from others just by speaking good things about me.” — sonofespresso

“He helps with everything around the house; laundry, dishes, cleaning, our daughter. I help with everything outside the house; mow, trim, move heavy shit, car maintenanceâ€Ĥetc. There is no his and hers chores. We all live under the same roof, we’re all into taking care of it together.” — sauerpatchkid

“I got advice a while back to ‘never stop dating.’ We try to keep it consistent and go on a date once a month. Sure, we go out to eat often and do other things here and there, but on our date night is special. Each month we rotate who plans the dinner, activity. It’s really nice because I get to make her feel special and cared about. That’s what matters most. We all get busy with work, kids, hobbies, family, etc. It’s important to carve out time to maintain your relationship.” — pepesilvia189

“Gratitude. My husband and I say thank you not just for the big stuff but also the little things, like running a chore or making dinner, and we are both incredibly grateful to be loved by the other. We’re each other’s biggest fans and supporters. It’s us against the world, and that helps us get over the petty shit.” — BlackPearlSiren