10 People Reveal Whether They Regret Marrying The First Person They Dated
Helena Lopes

10 People Reveal Whether They Regret Marrying The First Person They Dated

Marrying your first partner sounds romantic – but sometimes it’s a mistake because you don’t have the chance to explore other options and see what else is out there. Here are a few people on whether they regret marrying the first person they ever dated:

“Dated 5 years, married 12. He had a couple girlfriends before me but he was my first anything. We have two kids. Things are different now, of course, because being together a long time does that. The stomach-butterfly infatuation is gone, but we’re comfortable and happy with each other. I’ve never wondered if it would be different with someone else. I feel like our love is different now, but stronger than ever.” — [deleted]

“We met when I was 20. I never got to go out to clubs with girlfriends or have sex with anyone else. I just wish I was older when we met.” — LurkErgh

“Started dating right after high school, she was my first SO, I was her 3rd. We clashed a lot in the beginning, but were both too stubborn and in love to quit on each other. We have grown out of most of our baggage over the last 11 years, and went through counseling together which hugely improved our communication. She’s my best friend, the most important part of my life, and I’d do anything for her. Regrets? Yep, literally every single day I wish that I would have had the chance to date and have sex with other women. Just not enough to ever do anything to hurt her. And yes, she knows I’ve got this regret, we’re extremely open with each other.” — op4k3

“We met second day of college, and got married two weeks after graduating. 7+ years later we have a kid, a house, pets, and genuinely the best life I could imagine. The hardest part of our relationship thus far has been when we were both starting out working crummy jobs in our crummy apartment. The stress of becoming an adult and managing a long term ‘stuck’ relationship was hard, especially when friends were dumping boyfriends for less. That being said, once we came out the other side we are stronger than ever and happier than ever. Because we had to work at it early on, I feel like our relationship has a stronger foundation than some others. We also are not bringing any baggage to the table. As far as regrets go, maybe some days I see friends with their exciting lives or shiny new car, but overall those moments are fleeting. As someone who values stability, my nice boring life makes me genuinely happy.” – turtle8889

“My wife married her first SO. They were together 28 years, married 24. Now she’s married to me, and we’re going on almost 20 years. First marriage ended for many reasons, the most basic of which is just incompatibility. They met when my wife was 14 and married when my wife was 18. She later told me that if she’d met her husband when she was 25, she never, ever would have married him.” — dramboxf

“Started dating freshman year, been together 13 years. It just keeps being better. I keep thinking we’ll get bored of each other, but we just don’t.” — JamesandtheGiantAss

“Met my wife at 17, we’ve been married almost 10 years now. Still no kids. We are very happy with each other. I’ve never slept with another women since I’ve been married to her. You really mold to each other if you can stick around long enough. Your pros, her pros, your cons, and her cons all meld together.” — iceman2kx

“Met in 1993. Engaged in 15 days. married 1 year later. We had five kids. He’s still the love of my life and the only man I’ve ever kissed. He’s my best friend and I love spending time with him. He still likes me too. Some people have asked others what makes it work, so I thought I’d answer what works for us. First rule of our marriage has been never hurt on purpose. That means no name calling, no saying things in an argument that you mean to be wounding, etc. You are not allowed to ‘be so mad I couldn’t help it.’ Yes you can. And yes we do. Second rule is that if one of us feels we aren’t connecting like we should that person must speak up and say something and the other person is required to listen. (This has happened several times in our marriage. we talk about what’s going on and how we can fix it. Then we do.) Third rule we put each other first. Always. Yes, even ahead of the kids if necessary. (We both love the kids and they are a very close second, but he’s my favorite and I’m his and the kids know it. They don’t mind.) We also make a point of giving each other sincere compliments. It really makes a difference to hear those things often. Speak up when necessary. Shut up about the stupid stuff. Don’t be selfish.” — perumbula

“Met in high school in 1968. Married 1970. We were 18. Yes, I’m old enough to be your grandma. Two great kids. Not too many regrets. Some job mishaps along the way, but it turned out OK.” — carolathome

“Together since 15 years old. Now married 25+ years. Regrets: no such thing as ‘compromising’ on children. Make sure you are in agreement on whether or not to have kids. Don’t lose sight of living today, as you fight to make better tomorrow. Forgive your spouse, because you’ll need forgiveness, too.” — Coolbreeze1989