Emir Kaan Okutan

10 Men On What Makes A Woman Wife Material Vs. Girlfriend Material

Here are 10 men on what makes a woman wife material vs. girlfriend material.

A wife is a woman you can see yourself growing old with.

Can you see yourself growing old with her? Do you love her flaws as much as her strengths? Is being with her enough?

If the answer to all these is yes then propose.


A wife is a woman with a good balance of everything.

When you can have a good balance of everything. Like, when you can have your goofy times, and your serious times, and your sexy times all without interference with one another.

Another big factor is if you can argue (cause every couple will) and make up in a timely manner. Like, say you get in an argument with her about some dumb shit, if ya’ll can both realize that it’s dumb and makeup, she’s wifey type.


A wife is a woman with long-term potential.

As far as I’m concerned, the same things that make her girlfriend material. I don’t have the time or energy to invest in someone without long-term potential.


A wife is a woman you could see yourself building a wonderful life with.

It varies from guy to guy, there’s no one answer. In general, a sense that you could build a life together with her, and have it be a good life.


A wife is a woman you can enjoy time apart from.

When we fight but we can always move past it. When life hits us but we are there for each other. We love our time apart, because it makes our time together even better.


A wife is a woman intuition tells you is the one.

Everyone has a different opinion of what this is. In the end it’s that deep down gut feeling, that intuition, that just tells you it’s the one. That feeling that tells you beyond any doubt, beyond any self argument that you found your piece of the puzzle. The rest is all drama and justification.


A wife is a woman who is mature.

Maturity is really the biggest one. A girl can be hot, but when she shows she can hold her own and has goals in life that involve a steady home then you can do something with that.


A wife is a woman you can’t see yourself living without.

When it becomes so easy to be with that woman that you don’t even see yourself without her


A wife is a woman who will be there for you during tough times.

When life gets you on your knees, and you are nothing but a man holding himself together out of sheer will, to have a woman hug you, kiss you, and tell you that it is okay if you crumble for a while, that she’ll hold you.

Yeah, that’s the girl.


A wife is a woman you’d want to be the mother of your children.

When a girl shows her good heart and I think, ‘I want her to be the mother of my children.’
