Jess Loiterton

You’re The Best Thing That Happened To Me In This Whole Damn Pandemic

When we met on March 2, I knew at that moment that you were someone that I wanted to get to know better and deeper. I dated a couple of guys before, but I had this strange feeling after meeting you that night; I felt my quest for love suddenly came to life.

The present feels hopeless, and right now, there are many things in my life that are uncertain, but of this one, Iā€™m sure: I fell in love with you. As Iā€™ve gotten to know you, I fell in love with the quality of man you are, your dignity as a person, your outlook in life, and how noble you are deep inside. You didnā€™t have to do anything because those things naturally radiate in you.

Meeting you inspired me in ways I didnā€™t even see coming; you made me feel alive, you awakened deep parts of me that I seemed to have lost for a while. You made me strive to be better and to start dreaming, even though the future seems to be unimaginable right now.

Through our simple conversations, you also taught me how to better live life; you taught me not to make decisions in the hype of my emotions, to let go of things I canā€™t control, and to just live.Ā 

You reminded me of a big part of myself, too, that Iā€™m still capable of loving even from a distance, even without assurance.

I wish Iā€™d told you sooner, but maybe itā€™s destined to happen this wayā€”that we became friends first. Nevertheless, Iā€™m writing this because I want you to know that I appreciate you and every bit of the little things we sharedā€”the late-night drives, talking about life over chicken nuggets and salted egg wings, and sharing random stuff over Instagram. Youā€™re special to me, and I care for you in a big way. I may not have used my words for the past seven months, but I hope through the little things, I somehow made you feel that.

With all thatā€™s happening right now, crossing paths with you might have been an accident, but Iā€™m happy that we did because youā€™re the nicest thing that happened to me in this crazy pandemicā€”youā€™re my hope in the midst of this uncertainty.

Thank you for making me feel alive, for the good times, and for the chance to get to know you. Your mere presence inspired me in many ways and gave me comfort, more than you know, and for that, Iā€™ll always be grateful that I met you.Ā Ā 

You once told me that you believe in fate. For now, Iā€™m leaving everything to fate. Who knows, we might cross paths again someday.

I wish you well and everything your heart truly desires, and at the right time, I hope you find the love thatā€™s meant for you, because if I were to be asked, you are worthy.

Take care.Ā  Iā€™ll remember you always.