Your Worst Breakup Will Be With A Bare Minimum Man
Toni Frost

Your Worst Breakup Will Be With A Bare Minimum Man

The worst breakup of your life will be with a bare minimum man because you won’t know if you made the right decision. After all, it’s not like he’s done anything horrible. It’s not like you’re fired up about the idea of breaking up with him. You simply aren’t thrilled about the idea of staying with him. He doesn’t give you that spark that you’re supposed to feel when you meet the right person. He doesn’t make you feel appreciated or alive or excited about what the future holds. You simply feel like you’re going through the motions when you’re together, and it’s not like you’re in a rut. You gave him a fighting chance and things simply aren’t working out. You might not be miserable, but you certainly aren’t happy either.

The worst breakup of your life will be with a bare minimum man because you don’t have one big reason for ending things. It’s not like he cheated on you or broke your trust. It’s not like you’re ending things with a screaming match that leaves you no other choice except to walk away. Overall, he’s been an okay partner. He hasn’t always risen to your expectations, but he hasn’t sunken to an inaccusable level either. He hasn’t hurt you in ways that your exes have. It’s hard to say goodbye when there’s nothing major that he’s done wrong, when you’re on all right terms, when you could probably stay for another year or two or ten if you settled. But you shouldn’t have to settle. You should be with someone who makes you happy. Not someone you can technically put up with if you have to.

The worst breakup of your life will be with a bare minimum man because you’ll feel guilty about hurting him. After all, it’s not like he’s a bad person. It’s not like he deserves to be left on his own with a broken heart. He’s actually a pretty good guy. He’s never hurt you too badly, so you don’t want to hurt him, either. But you need to put yourself first. You need to treat yourself like a priority. Staying in a relationship with someone you feel meh about isn’t fair to him, either. He deserves someone who is wild about him, someone who feels like they’re getting everything they deserve out of the relationship. If you aren’t going to be that person for each other, then you both owe it to yourselves to move on. To find someone new or enjoy the single life for a while.

The worst breakup of your life will be with a bare minimum man because they’re almost what you want. They’re almost what you need. Almost, almost, almost – but not quite. You know that you shouldn’t settle, but you’re comfortable together, so it’s tempting to stay put. It’s tempting to ignore the fact that there might be more out there and tell yourself to stop being so greedy. But you’re not greedy for wanting a relationship that fulfills you. You deserve someone who goes above and beyond to make you happy, not someone who is simply there.