Your Weekly Money + Abundance Horoscope For November 17-23
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The astrology of this week, November 17-23, brings us a lot of big shifts while also giving us previews of what’s to come, bringing our attention to themes we’ll be revisiting in the near future. Big shifts and glimpses into the future mean powerful opportunities to re-align and set our sights on new pathways towards abundance. Here’s your ultimate guide on how to use this week’s astrology to bring financial abundance into your life. Don’t forget to read for your sun and rising sign!
Aries, lately you’ve been working to find the connectivity between your greater career ambitions and your creative passions. This week is inviting you to bring your focus towards grounding yourself into your home space, connecting with your own creative authenticity, and getting focused on taking practical steps in your day to day that centers your creative gifts in your greater career goals. For you, true abundance comes from feeling excited and challenged by what you do, and with the right determination and vision, financial abundance will follow. You’ve been on a long journey of transformation around understanding what career path feels empowering and aligned for you, and beginning this week it’s time to start putting that into action.
Taurus, your relationship with your own career is getting ready to completely transform in the coming years, and this week marks the beginning of a long-term journey of moving through that transformation. This week brings a shift in your attention to the ideas and beliefs around money that you’ve inherited that may not be fully aligned with your own values. Bearing that in mind, how can you reassess your relationship to money in a way that brings you into stronger alignment with your own values? Doing so will open up pathways towards turning the abundance of ideas you’ve been having lately into new opportunities. If there’s anything you excel at, Taurus, it’s having the dedication and determination it takes to create financial abundance out of the opportunities put before you.
Gemini, this week marks the beginning of a new era for you when it comes to your relationship with your own finances, and a big part of that requires you to fully let go of the outmoded ideas and beliefs you carry when it comes to your relationship with money. Spend this week reflecting on your relationship to your current resources and needs when it comes to financial security, and then consider the ways that you’ve grown personally in 2024. How can your newfound wisdom contribute towards developing new skills and personal resources that will help bring in more financial abundance? Two of your greatest strengths are communicating and seeing the multitude of possibilities before you, so perhaps it’s time to sit down with a friend and work out a new resume that emphasizes your greatest assets that can, in turn, bring forth the financial abundance you’re ready for.
This week you may find your attention veering towards your relationship to your day job and considering what new opportunities stand to bring in more money for you. Lean into conversations with your boss to start planting some seeds around what you want your future to look like at your job, but just know that it might be a process that takes a bit of patience before you really start to see things move forward full steam ahead. You’re also about to enter a new era that’s going to demand you release the beliefs and ideas you hold around money that aren’t working for you anymore. What emotions do you carry with you around your finances that feel inherited? With this in mind, what does a more authentic relationship to your finances look like to you? With a little bit of patience and honesty with yourself, you may find a bit of inspiration around financial opportunities that center your own authenticity and gifts.
This week you enter a completely new chapter when it comes to your day to day work, and with that comes the importance of considering how you want to be spending two of your own most valuable resources–your time and energy. This week is asking you to consider what true abundance means to you. What would you prioritize if you knew that financial abundance would follow? This week is reminding you the importance of centering your values when it comes to your ambitions. Consider what kind of creative opportunities you might like to pursue right now, and in doing so you may find the potential to see financial abundance follow once you think things through and work out some kinks. The most important part is to center your own authenticity, creativity, and joy, and feed those things into your greater aspirations in life.
Virgo, for you this week is all about letting go of the limiting beliefs, perfectionism, and personal criticism that are holding you back from seeing the possibility that lies in your unique gifts. By leaning into your strengths you hold the potential of seeing your greater ambition bring forth financial abundance. You’ve been undergoing a complete transformation when it comes to your relationship to your own creativity, but now it’s time to switch gears and consider how you need to transform your relationship to your time, habits, and routine. It’s time to step into a new chapter when it comes to your day job, whether that be stepping into a new role and taking on new responsibilities, or beginning the search for a new job all together. Just know that it won’t happen overnight, and there’s some thoughts and ideas around your career that may need to be workshopped and revisited in order to see that through. The good news is that with the right perspective shift, there are career opportunities abound for you right now.
Right now, Libra, you’re being invited to connect to what lies at the very roots of your own ambitions, and this week is asking you to consider how you can trust your own intuition to guide you forward in your career. This week you’re stepping into an era of completely transforming your own relationship to your creative gifts and how you find joy, and with that comes the recontextualizing of your own aspirations. The past month has brought your attention to the current state of your finances and resources, so bearing that in mind, how can you lean into your network and community to bring the shifts you want to see? Though it won’t be an easy or overnight journey, being fully honest with yourself about what you truly desire and putting yourself out there in the right network of people will lead to more financial abundance. Just don’t get frustrated if it doesn’t fall into place right away! You may find it takes a little patience and revisiting before you really find yourself in stride and ready to take action.
Scorpio, for you this week is bringing full illumination to your own relationship to your resources, money, material life, and worth. With that comes the demand of considering how you want to see those things shift, and what assets and resources you already have that can help facilitate those shifts. You’re right on the verge of uncovering some new pathways of action when it comes to your career, but in order to lean into the possibility that comes with that, you may find it helpful to examine the state of your private, interior life and make some necessary changes that will help you flourish in your more public-facing roles.
Sagittarius, right now you’re in a period of reconnecting your values and creativity to your ambitions and how they feed into your material wealth. In doing so you stand to really open up new possibilities when it comes to increasing your own material abundance. You’ve been on a long-term journey of completely transforming your understanding of your worth, values, and relationship to money, but this week the weight of that journey lifts. As you shift into this new chapter, consider how what you’ve learned can help completely shift your reality when it comes to creating long-term financial abundance from your creative vision and ambition. It may be time to spark some conversations with your boss and plant some seeds around what you’d like to be doing, all the while reminding them what you bring to the table and what ideas you have. You may find that by planting these seeds now, you open up some pathways when it comes to your greater career in the coming months.
Capricorn, you’re in a moment of re-centering your values and perspective, which stands to help really push forward a better understanding of your own career goals. This week you’re finishing up a long-term journey of completely transforming your own understanding of yourself and your personal power in a way that is pushing you into a stronger sense of truth and authenticity. But as you shift away from this chapter, it comes time to push that transformation forward into your understanding of your own worth and resources, and how those things stand to completely change your relationship to your own financial abundance. You’re entering a new chapter of lessons and transformation when it comes to your relationship to money and material abundance, but you’re entering that new era with a strong sense of empowerment around who you are and what you bring to the table. Take that personal power and make it work for you!
Aquarius, you’ve been learning a lot over the past year of what it means to make your dreams a reality, and while there’s been a lot of challenging lessons through that process, it’s ultimately been a push to create sturdier foundations. And of course, sturdier foundations means having the framework and space for more abundance. You’re about to enter a HUGE new chapter in life that is going to be deeply transformative of your understanding of yourself and your personal power. However, with that comes new possibilities of creating sources of abundance for yourself. For you this week is all about brainstorming what creative gifts you bring to the table and how you can center your own authenticity in your aspirations. This, in turn, has the potential to point you towards how you can recenter your aspirations in a way that brings forth material abundance.
Pisces, right now you’re in a bit of a moment of considering what actions you need to take in your day to day life that are going to help bring forward your material and financial goals. You’ve been facing some unexpected changes around money and resources over the past year, but they’ve all brought forward a lot of wisdom around how to move forward on your life’s path with confidence when it comes to your relationship to resources and abundance. This week your attention is being brought towards your career and vocation, and with that comes the opportunity to integrate everything you’ve been learning about your worth and how that translates to your own financial abundance. When it comes to your greater ambitions and how they can increase your own material abundance, don’t forget to center your own values and aspirations! Just remember that how you show up every day through your mundane actions is ultimately contributing to your material reality. You sometimes have a tendency to lose yourself in the daydream of your vision, but just remember that small mundane actions are what add up when it comes to our material reality.