Your Horoscope For The Week of December 15-December 21, 2024
On Sunday, the Full Moon rises in scattered Gemini at 4:02 am, making it hard to focus. Fortunately, communicative Mercury finally goes direct at 3:56 pm, clarifying situations that have been causing confusion for weeks.
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Tense square between the egocentric Sun and sacrificial Neptune occurs on Wednesday at 9:29 am, triggering arguments with romantic partners, creative collaborators, and children. It will be easier to find common ground on Thursday, when gentle Venus makes a supportive trine to generous Jupiter at 9:11 pm.
The Winter Solstice arrives on Saturday at 4:21 am, when the Sun moves into sage Capricorn. It’s a good time to connect with your nearest and dearest over a delicious home-cooked meal, reflecting on how far you have all come this year.
The temptation to sign a contract is strong but put off making any serious commitments until early January 2025. That may seem impossible, but you can negotiate a grace period. It’s simply a matter of turning on that famous charm of yours. Your career prospects keep getting better and better. A job that seems great now could pale in comparison to an offer you get toward the end of the week.
There will be strings attached to a payment, so be prepared to do a little more work before getting compensated. Let this be a lesson about working with a sneaky individual. This manipulator will try to make you feel that the misunderstanding was yours. In truth, they pulled the wool over your eyes. Fortunately, you’ll get a chance to work with a truly gifted artist later in the week. Not only will this assignment be fun; it will also be lucrative. Take advantage of a great travel package near the Winter Solstice.
Someone who gives you feedback is painting a realistic picture. Try not to take their petty criticisms to heart. You’re an extremely artistic individual who works best when given lots of freedom and space to develop bold ideas. If your current work environment doesn’t allow this, it’s time to move on. Landing a job at a university, museum, or arts guild is a good possibility for you. Ask an influential friend for a letter of recommendation. It looks like your next employer will offer some great benefits.
You’re starting to suspect that someone is a lot less helpless than they pretend. Instead of coming to their rescue yet again, let them find another solution to their problems. Some onlookers will think you’re callous, while others will congratulate you for cracking this con artist’s code. Money from a legal settlement, royalty payment, or inheritance can arrive unexpectedly. Use these funds to buy something truly beautiful that you’ve wanted for years. Prepare to get a sumptuous gift from your best friend or romantic partner, too.
A fair-weather friend is finally leaving your social circle. This comes as a tremendous relief. You’ve never been good at hiding your feelings, and this person was truly getting on your nerves. It will come as a surprise that everybody else in your tribe harbored the same resentments toward this troublemaker. It just goes to show that communication can save lots of aggravation. Reaching a fitness goal will fill you with pride. Give yourself a glamorous reward for your hard work.
A public presentation won’t go as planned, but it’s not a big deal. Instead of taking this setback as a personal failure, treat it as a learning opportunity. Someone who admires your ability to laugh at your mistakes could offer you a job. You’ll enjoy getting paid to exercise your considerable artistic ability. Your love life will light up as the shortest day of the year approaches. Spend the Winter Solstice cuddling with an attentive love interest.
A legal decision may not go your way. Accepting this situation with grace and dignity is the first step to recovery. You have learned a valuable lesson about taking a more proactive role about your health and employment rights. Don’t be afraid to ask hard questions of insurance companies and employers. Taking an advanced course can prove comforting. You always feel good when you’re learning something interesting. Spend the Winter Solstice with your soul family; they’ll remind you of what is really important.
You’re tired of dealing with a one-sided relationship. Whether you have a job that doesn’t pay enough or have a selfish partner, it’s time to move on. You’ll be surprised when people from all walks of life cheer this decision. Everyone from colleagues to neighbors to relatives have been worried about your welfare; this brave choice is music to their ears. A lovely text, note, or phone call comes out of the blue near the Winter Solstice. It’s nice to know you hold such a special place in someone’s heart.
You’re tired of dealing with a partner, friend, or business partner who always try to make you feel guilty. It’s time to get some distance from this individual, if only for your own sanity. Tackling a project by yourself will cause your confidence to soar. At that point, you may decide to entirely break off this relationship. Fortunately, the Winter Solstice is ready to deliver an exceptional earning opportunity. Achieving financial independence may be your year’s biggest win.
A health issue forces you to change your daily routine. Treat this wakeup call for what it is: a second chance to thrive. As soon as you integrate regular exercise and nutritious food into your daily routine, you’ll feel much better. Not only that, but your eyes will sparkle again, and your skin and hair will look much better, too. The approach of the Winter Solstice is reason to rejoice. Host an elegant dinner party to ring in your special season, which will bring several exciting opportunities for you to shine.
It may not be possible to afford an expensive outing, but that doesn’t mean that fun is beyond reach. Put work on the back burner in favor of a short trip out of town. Getting a change of scenery will give you an attractive glow that turns heads. If you’re single, there’s a good chance you’ll meet a clever flirt who makes you laugh at even the darkest subjects. It’s so nice to be with someone who makes you feel charming and irresistible.
A tense family standoff could finally boil over. You’re tired of being treated like unrealistic and incompetent, even if it is through a lens of affection. An exciting career breakthrough is on the way. It may be best to celebrate this victory with supportive friends instead of jealous relatives. You’ll do especially well with an arrangement that allows you to work from home. Not only will this give you more time for the hobbies you love, but you’ll also get to enjoy a few fun outings with your nearest and dearest.