Your December Financial Destiny, Revealed By Tarot/Zodiac
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What happens when December kicks off with a Mercury retrograde and ends with a lingering Mars retrograde? The work year feels like it’s unraveling rather than winding down. Sure, holiday magic is in the air – but so is uncertainty. Maybe money’s tight, deadlines are looming, bonuses are getting cut (for employees, not CEOs, of course), and the pressure to hit those fourth-quarter projections for shareholders is through the roof. Sound familiar? If so, take comfort in knowing you’re not alone.
Here’s what the cards have to say:
Center Card/Advice for Everyone: 5 of Pentacles
Collectively, we’re caught in a poverty mindset. Now, does this mean everyone’s business is on the brink of financial collapse or that pink slips are coming for us all? Of course not. What it does mean is that the overall vibe around work and career is one of insecurity and lack. But here’s the kicker: That feeling isn’t necessarily based on reality. It’s fear talking, and it’s making us feel like the ground beneath us is shakier than it actually is. And maybe – just maybe – that fear is by design, keeping us compliant, noses to the grindstone, working like good little soldier ants. Something to think about.
However, it is the holiday season, and what we’re earning may not be keeping up with what we’re spending. Living within your means is smart (I’m not saying otherwise), but don’t let fear dictate your actions or cloud your vision. Remember: What you believe is what you’ll achieve.
Your card: 9 of Wands
Why so paranoid, Aries? Something at work feels “off,” and you can’t shake the feeling you need to watch your back. This uneasy energy might be tied to your ruler, Mars, kicking off its two-month retrograde cycle. That said, don’t dismiss your instincts. If you don’t trust someone, honor that feeling. Just avoid going on the attack – standing your ground is enough. Remember, the person who handles the situation with the most class will earn the respect and support of both coworkers and higher-ups. In this case, the best defense really is a good offense.
Your card: 9 of Swords
Nagging worries about your job or career are stealing your peace of mind, Taurus – and that’s not like you. Take a moment to check in with yourself: Are these really your worries, or are you absorbing the stress of those around you? Remember, worrying doesn’t change outcomes. It’s a waste of your precious energy. Instead, focus on what’s within your control. Do your best, then let it go. When you’re done with work, shift your attention to what truly matters: your family, friends, and the things that bring you joy.
Your card: Death
You’ve hit your limit, Gemini – whether it’s with a person, a situation at work, or perhaps your entire job. Maybe you feel stuck in a dead-end position, are considering a complete career change, or even thinking about retirement. Whatever your specific situation, this card signals endings and new beginnings. But before you march into your boss’s office and declare, “Take this job and shove it,” consider the timing. Your ruler, Mercury, begins the month in retrograde, and by mid-month, Mars (the planet of action and movement) will also retrograde until the end of February. This isn’t the ideal time to make drastic moves. Instead, use the next two months to strategize and plan your next steps. Once the cosmic energy shifts, you’ll be ready to make your move with confidence.
Your card: Queen of Wands
This month, Cancer, you’ll either discover or fully step into your personal power at work. You might come up with a creative solution to a problem, impress the higher-ups with your outside-the-box thinking, or tackle a project from an innovative angle no one else has considered. Your positive attitude and can-do spirit will be a breath of fresh air, making you stand out in the best way. Let your confidence and creativity shine: They’re your superpowers this month.
Your card: Chariot
With Mars, the planet of action, lighting up your sign, it’s no surprise that the Chariot – symbolizing progress and momentum – shows up as your career card this month, Leo. But here’s a heads-up: By the second week of December, Mars goes retrograde, and your Chariot might encounter some potholes, muddy roads, or a need to pump the brakes. Don’t let this discourage you. The Chariot is all about overcoming obstacles, and its positive influence on your career progress won’t vanish just because of an annoying retrograde. Be patient if you’re forced to change lanes, slow down, or sit through a metaphorical traffic jam. And whatever you do, resist the urge to bulldoze anyone in your path!
Your card: 4 of Cups
You’re not one to shy away from work or dodge responsibility, Virgo. But lately, you may feel burdened by an already heavy workload – or you’ve been offered something that feels suspiciously “too good to be true.” You’re tired of always being the one to go the extra mile, and that frustration is starting to morph into apathy. Before you throw up your hands and think, “What’s the point of working hard? No one notices anyway,” know this: People do notice and appreciate you, even if it’s not always vocalized. Regardless, martyrdom is not in your job description, and it’s definitely not in your pay grade. Advocate for yourself and set boundaries.
Your card: 3 of Swords
This month, people at work will show you their true colors – and unfortunately, you’re not going to like what you see. Someone or something may disappoint you in a way you never expected, leaving you doubting your ability to judge others or situations accurately. But it’s not your fault. Your natural inclination to trust and see the best in people doesn’t make you wrong; it’s one of your strengths. The good news? The worst is already behind you. Give yourself time to heal, and then thank the Universe for stepping in to clear out what no longer serves you. Whether it’s a job that wasn’t a good energetic fit or a backstabbing coworker finally being exposed, trust that this experience is making room for something better. Sometimes, the trash takes itself out.
Your card: Emperor
This December, your leadership skills and inner strength will take center stage. Whether it’s guiding your coworkers or your entire company, your authority and expertise will help navigate some energetically challenging times. While everyone else is spinning out emotionally, your ability to stay calm and reasonable will not only keep things on track, but also earn you major points with the higher-ups. That said, if you decide to share your phone number “just in case,” be prepared: Your bosses and coworkers will use it, and those calls might come at all hours. It’s the price you pay for being the responsible one.
Your card: King of Swords
This month, Sagittarius, the truth is coming to light. Whether it’s about your coworkers, clients, or higher-ups, something at work will be exposed. The King of Swords often represents legal counsel and the pursuit of justice, so pay attention to the details. Make sure any contracts or agreements are thoroughly reviewed by the legal department before you sign or send them out. This is a time to rely on cool reasoning and intellect, not impulsive action. Avoid jumping into deals headfirst or agreeing to projects that could quickly become overwhelming. Stay sharp, and let logic guide your decisions.
Your card: Page of Swords
You’re not letting the holiday season slow you down, Capricorn. Instead, you’re brainstorming fresh ideas, finding creative solutions, and making the most of networking opportunities. You’re thinking ahead to the new year—planning future negotiations, reaching out to potential clients, and sending those all-important follow-up emails. Just a word of caution: Steer clear of office gossip. Channel your gift of gab into productive conversations that build connections, not tales told around the water cooler. Keep your focus sharp, and your efforts will set you up for success.
Your card: Queen of Swords
This month, Aquarius, important decisions are on the horizon. The Queen of Swords urges you to objectively evaluate all the facts before making any moves – a task well-suited to your sharp and analytical mind, as she rules the air element, your natural domain. However, be mindful of how you communicate your decisions or opinions. While you value honesty above all else, not everyone appreciates unvarnished truth. With Mars retrograding, people may be especially sensitive, so temper your directness to avoid unnecessary friction. In the workplace, upsetting the wrong person could have lasting negative effects on your career, so tread carefully. Diplomacy will serve you well this month.
Your card: 4 of Swords
Whether you’re on an actual vacation this month or just stuck in a perpetual daydream, Pisces, you’ve mentally checked out. You’re done. Shutting down – even if only figuratively – is your way of preserving your energy. It’s that or risk complete burnout. You’ve had it with this work year. You’re using up vacation time, cashing in sick days, and when you are at the office, you’re sticking to the bare minimum: doing what’s asked or expected of you and nothing more. There will be plenty of opportunity to go the extra mile next year.