“You’ll Make Me Melt If…” Based On Their Birth Month
Antonio Amacifuen Rojas

“You’ll Make Me Melt If…” Based On Their Birth Month


You’ll make them melt if you ask them about their passions and take a genuine interest in what they have to say. If you actively engage in their hobbies and care about what they care about.


You’ll make them melt if you help them complete their chores without being asked. If you go out of your way to do favors for them, even though it’s not expected of you.


You’ll make them melt if you remember the little stories and fun facts that they tell you. If you prove that you’re actively listening when they speak because you care deeply about all their opinions.


You’ll make them melt if you whisk them away on an adventure. If you put effort into creating an elaborate date that takes their interests into consideration.


You’ll make them melt if you open up to them about your emotions. If you aren’t afraid to get vulnerable with them about how you’re really feeling.


You’ll make them melt if you take an interest in their favorite movies, shows, and music. If you ask them for recommendations and actually follow through with enjoying them.


You’ll make them melt if you make an effort to impress their family and friends. If you treat the people they love with as much respect and affection as they do.


You’ll make them melt if you point out all the little things you love and admire about them. If you voice your feelings for them loudly and proudly. 


You’ll make them melt if you make them something from scratch. If you put your heart into giving them something special, whether it’s dinner or dessert or a poem.


You’ll make them melt if you reach out to check in on them throughout the day. If you text first and remind them that they’re on your mind.


You’ll make them melt if you show your appreciation frequently. If you always say thank you and remind them how lucky you feel to have them in your world.


You’ll make them melt if you make them laugh and find them funny too. If you mesh with their sense of humor and come up with tons of inside jokes to share.