Why They’re Afraid To Ask You On A Date, Based On Your Birth Month
This is why everyone is afraid to ask you out on a date, based on your birth month.
They’re intimidated by your success.
If you were born in January, they’re afraid to ask you out because of your success. They are terrified they won’t be impressive enough for you and are reluctant to ask you out as a result.
They don’t think you’re interested.
You come across as a little aloof if you were born in the month of February. As such, people who would ask you out don’t because they don’t think you’re into them or would say yes to a date.
They honestly can’t tell if you’re into them or not.
If you were born in March, they’re afraid to ask you out because they can’t get a read on you and can’t determine if you’re into them or not. They can never tell if you’re actually flirting with them or just being friendly.
They fear they won’t be able to keep up with your energy.
If you were born in April, they’re afraid they won’t be able to keep up with your zest for life and that the date will go terribly because they’ll disappoint you by being “boring.”
They’re afraid they aren’t witty enough for you.
If you were born in May, they’re afraid they won’t be able to deliver on the flirtatious banter they know you’re seeking. They think you’re incredibly quick and are positive they won’t be able to keep up and will say something stupid and look silly as a result.
They’re afraid to ask you out because you’re a bit standoff-ish.
If you were born in the month of June, you tend to come across as a bit cold. You’re not the most approachable at times and this makes it hard for people to approach you and ask you out.
They’re positive you’ll reject them.
If you were born in the month of July, they’re afraid to ask you out because they’re just positive you’ll say no and that it will be super embarrassing and painful. Because of this, they avoid asking you out at all costs.
They think you want to stay single.
If you were born in the month of August, you give off major independent energy and this makes people think you’re not really interested. This makes you get a little overlooked when it comes to dates because you don’t seem interested in romance.
They’re afraid to ask you out because they think they won’t live up to your standards.
If you were born in the month of September, they’re afraid to ask you out because of your high standards. They know you only deserve the best and what you want and they’re fearful that they won’t be able to deliver.
They’re afraid to ask you out because they don’t want to lose you as a friend.
If you were born in the month of October, they’re afraid to ask you out because they don’t want to jeopardize your friendship and risk making things awkward if you were to say no. Or, worse, they’re afraid things would progress for a while but then would blow up in both of your faces. They would rather have you in their life as a friend than nothing at all so they think this is the best way to keep you around.
They’re intimidated by your emotional depth.
If you were born in November, they’re afraid to ask you out because of your emotional depth. Everything you say is poetic. Your interests are deep. You don’t know what it means to tread lightly when it comes to your feelings. Because of this, they aren’t entirely sure they can match your emotional energy and don’t ask you out because of this.
They’re afraid they’ll bore you.
If you were born in December, they’re afraid to ask you out because they are absolutely convinced you will find them terribly and unbearably boring. They don’t think they’re interesting enough or funny enough or good enough for you. So they stay quiet and keep their feelings to themselves.