Why Each Birth Month Hasn’t Given You Closure (In One Sentence)
Teodora Popa Photographer

Why Each Birth Month Hasn’t Given You Closure (In One Sentence)


They haven’t given you closure because they can’t pinpoint why the relationship isn’t working; they just know it’s not where they belong.


They haven’t given you closure because they are more concerned with how they’re handling the breakup than how you’re handling it.


They haven’t given you closure because they don’t want to hurt your feelings and would rather keep their reasons for leaving you vague.


They haven’t given you closure because they have trouble expressing their emotions and would rather walk away without having to get vulnerable with you.


They haven’t given you closure because they are nonconfrontational and don’t want to get into an argument.


They haven’t given you closure because they are already in the process of moving on and want to look to the future, not the past.


They haven’t given you closure because talking about the relationship hurts too much and they would rather avoid you.


They haven’t given you closure because they aren’t convinced the relationship is really over and don’t want to give you an official goodbye yet.


They haven’t given you closure because they’re worried that they’re going to make things worse by speaking and just want to rip off the bandage and walk away.


They haven’t given you closure because they don’t want you to feel like you’ve done anything wrong by listing out their complaints when the truth is, you’re simply incompatible.


They haven’t given you closure because once they decide someone is out of their life, they don’t want to spend anymore time on that person.


They haven’t given you closure because they aren’t sure whether you actually want to hear from them and are scared of what your reaction would be if they tried to get closure from you.