Vika Glitter

Why (And How) Each Zodiac Deserves To Spoil Themselves This Christmas


You’ve been on the go all year, working and dreaming hard. There are multiple projects you’ve been juggling all year. You gave your all to come closer to the life you envision. With passion and determination, you set out to achieve your every goal. The competitor in you has made you forget your value as an individual and place too much worth on all the wins you’ve racked up.  

Not only have you worked hard, but you’ve been playing hard. Your social life has been buzzing. You’ve got a willingness to experience all the things in life, so you have a hard time saying no when you need to slow down. You have run yourself into the ground. 

Aries, congratulate yourself on a job well done. Pump the brakes and do things purely for your enjoyment this holiday season. Push the deadlines aside until the new year. Treat yourself to a spa day to ease the tension. Burn your energy off with a fun workout class. Spoil yourself with the FitBit and exercise equipment you’ve been coveting. Order a deck of affirmation cards to remind you that you’re valued and loved for being you, not for all the trophies. 


You worked so hard to earn all the money you made this year and probably even scored a promotion along the way. Many mistake your drive for stubbornness. The fact is that you are committed, persistent, and have a great willpower. You’ve completed every project you set out for with thorough attention to detail. It’s time to harvest the fruits of your labor and reap all the benefits for yourself. 

This holiday season, be gentle. Make your holidays soothing and festive. Slam your laptop shut and get comfy and cozy in your pj’s. Pick the bathrobe you’ll be warmest in this season. Line up holiday movies to watch while the office is closed. Stock up on all the ingredients you’ll need to make warm drinks like hot cocoa, mulled wine, and apple cider. You love using your hands, but haven’t had much time to, so bake some holiday cookies from scratch or cook an extravagant meal for yourself. 

You love the more luxurious and finer things in life, so spoil yourself with all that hard-earned money. Buy that name-brand bag or watch you’ve had your eye on for months. Order the silk nightgown that you just know will help you sleep better. Fill your bar cart with expensive wine. You deserve to titillate each of your senses. Embrace your hedonistic nature. 


Gemini, you are utterly exhausted by this time of year. It’s you, with a gift for networking, who is always bringing people together. It’s also you who is always helping them work through their problems and mend fences. 

You’re incredibly generous and caring to the people in your life. You’re always looking out for loved ones and tend to forsake yourself. You’re dancing one minute, then serious and thoughtful the next. Your mind can get caught up in a thousand different places at once. It comes as no surprise with all that you’re currently juggling. The anxiety has been killing you slowly for quite some time now. 

Set aside time for introspection to focus on who you are, how you feel, and what you want. Give your brain a break. Cut out the toxicity. Avoid the drama and stay off social media. Spoil yourself by giving yourself a great escape. Immerse into another world. Finish your TBR pile or find a new mystery series to pick up. A good thriller will serve your inquisitive mind just right. Get out of your head and exit your way out of everyone else’s problems. A Book of the Month membership will serve you right for next year. 


You feel everything so deeply but hate talking about yourself, so you don’t often speak your emotions. You also have trouble separating how you feel from how others feel. Often, you act as everyone else’s vessel for their trauma, problems, and moods. But who is there for you, Cancer? You’ve been so preoccupied worrying about everyone else that there’s hardly any room left for you. You empathize with the suffering of the entire world. There’s so much stress trapped in your body and mind. 

Loosen those claws and let go, Cancer. The holidays are the perfect time to look inward and take care of yourself for once. Give yourself time to be alone with your thoughts and emotions. Implement 10 minutes during your mornings to mediate and practice mindfulness. Buy yourself luxurious bubbles or herbs and take a hot bath. Pamper yourself with aromatherapy. Buy yourself some crystals to balance your energy out. Activate feelings of self-love. Create a self-care ritual to begin implementing in the new year. You’re everyone’s else’s sanctuary, it’s time to be your own sacred place.

Get creative during these holidays. Go on a shopping spree at the art store or buy yourself a journal. If you can take the time to get away on a mini-vacation near a body of water, then treat yo’self! Even just one day spent writing or relaxing by a lake or beach would rejuvenate you. 


Leo, you’ve taken on a lot of responsibilities this year—a world too many. You set forth with the force of a leader to achieve your goals. There’s nothing more that you desire than to make a name for yourself. You’ll do whatever it takes. Unfortunately, this might include sacrificing your well-being and downtime. You’ll throw yourself into the pyre if it means your ambitions will come true. 

You’ve also spent too much time being attentive to others. It’s in your nature to be more comfortable giving than receiving. It’s likely that you put a dent in your bank account overspending for others this year. This holiday season, give thoughtful, small gifts to your loved ones. Save the grandiose present(s) for yourself! Practice self-love and quiet that harsh inner critic. 

If that dent was a little too big, no worries—just shower yourself with attention. Do things that will make you feel like a god. Shine through self-expression and creativity. Learn how to use resin to create jewelry or how to make candles. Post hot, artistic selfies. Dance in your favorite pair of heels. Do something to make a statement (and it doesn’t have to be in that $605 red leather set from Mariemur). You’re everyone else’s source of light, so be your own sun these holidays.


All year, you’ve been stuck in your routine, making sure everything turns out just so. You expect perfection from yourself in all areas. You’re meticulous even in the way you clean and organize. You tend to get lost in the details. Often, your heart has been sacrificed for logic. You’ve been invalidating your own emotions. It’s when you’ve felt the most pain that you’ve been unkindest to yourself. 

You’ve been nurturing everyone but yourself. Always there to lend a hand, you’re one of the greatest friends of the zodiac. Your own needs have been on the back burner this year. When was the last time you put yourself first, Virgo?

This holiday, let loose, let go of control, and splurge. Check out, Virgo! Take time for yourself. Engage in simple things like gardening. Pamper yourself with a new skincare product. Indulge a little. You’ve been so worried about saving money, but you deserve to treat yourself! Buy that art print you keep going back to gawk at online. You’re inspired by beauty and deserve to be surrounded by it. Get that green velvet couch. Don’t leave those boots that would pair perfectly with that outfit behind on the rack. Do things that will help you reduce stress. Sign up for a cooking class. Practice self-care. Challenge yourself to unwind. Sit in front of the TV and enjoy some uninterrupted entertainment.  


Libra, you’re kind and your light glows from the inside. Your allure isn’t only external. When you speak to anyone, you make them feel as if they’re the only person in the room. You make others see the beauty they’ve forgotten in themselves. Your energy paints the world in brighter colors. 

You value harmony and justice above all else. Often, you put your desires aside to make those you love happy. You’ve spent a lot of time pleasing people this year and playing the peacemaker. There are compromises you didn’t deserve to have to make, including your precious alone time, to keep the peace.   

Prioritize yourself this holiday season and dote on yourself. You’ve been feeling like a chameleon, constantly shifting around others. You haven’t been able to just be who you are. Get a gratitude journal. You’ll learn to appreciate yourself, and it will help in pushing you to stop sacrificing your sense of self to avoid conflict in the new year. Gift yourself a pass to yoga class to help you reach inner balance. Indulge your taste for the fine and pretty things in life and buy that expensive little piece. You have a soft spot for music, and there are plenty of amazing shows coming up in 2023—you deserve a ticket (or a few)! 


You’re prone to being sad over the holidays, obsessing over just how bleak life is. Your emotions are beginning to spiral out of your control but you’re still fighting to repress them. Those shoulders are carrying around too much. How are you still walking around with all that weight? 

You have found comfort in staying busy this year because it keeps you from having to face your emotions. For all your self-awareness, you sure have been running from yourself. It’s okay to be vulnerable with yourself, Scorpio. It’s okay to be vulnerable with loved ones, too. Peel back that tough shell these holidays. 

Spoil yourself by having fun and by embracing your witchy side. You’ve spent months being a loner, so let loose and let go. Call your friends and come through with plans. Buy a sexy outfit to go out in. It’s okay if you get drunk and have a little talk-therapy with your bestie at the end of the night, but make sure you start working through all you’re feeling. You can start with gifting yourself a new tarot deck and coming up with spreads that force you to dig deep. You’ve got an affinity for the unknown, mystical things of the world. Dive into your own unseen waters. Find liberation through writing. Banish all that negative energy weighing you down with a new essential oil diffuser and crystals. 


You’re irritable by this time of year. You’ve been overexerting yourself at work. The job (or your school) is great, so you’re not complaining. You enjoy being there, and your enthusiasm is infectious to your collaborators. The fact is that you inspire and motivate all those around you to be optimistic and break down barriers. However, your restlessness is starting to sour your mood. You’ve been holding down responsibilities and obligations for too long. Your impulsive nature can no longer handle the cage it’s been trapped in. 

You require a great deal of independence and freedom to feel balanced. These holidays, a solo weekend getaway or staycation would do you good. Even just spending a day alone in nature would rejuvenate you. Go on a hike. Buy a new bike.

Embracing your wild streak will also serve you well. Call up friends for an impromptu night out. Book a vacation for next year. When was the last time you satiated your wanderlust? You’re an explorer at heart, so pick a place to go and expand your horizons. Splurge on some new luggage to manifest new frontiers. 


Capricorn, you’re fully in control of your destiny. You’ve been adhering to a strict regimen all year to attain everything you’ve set your mind to, both professionally and personally. That kind of hard work is inspiring. Your discipline has motivated those around you to strive for that kind of tenacity. 

Truthfully, you’ve been extremely hard on yourself with expectations. You’ve rarely allowed yourself to take breaks in your busy schedule. You’re as dedicated as you are in part because you need stability to feel safe, but you also focus more than you should on appearances. You’re not vain, you just aim for perfection, and it has you neglecting yourself.

This holiday season you can spoil yourself by letting go of structure. Toss out your schedule. Hit snooze. Forget about opening any books until the new semester. Use up all the vacation days you have left. Wind down. Indulge in leisure. It may be hard for you to do because when you’re not being productive, you don’t know what to do with yourself. Capricorn, remember that rest is productivity. You need to recharge to be able to give it your all. If it helps, make a to-do list of all the ways in which you want to use up your free time. Naps. Movies. Cooking. Making a gingerbread house. Working out. Do whatever it is that will help you unwind. Feed your interests. Experience the moment instead of intellectualizing it. 


As the humanitarian of the zodiac, you’ve spent the year prioritizing those who need you most. It can’t be helped with your nature to make the world a better place. You’ve spent a great deal of your time in service to others. 

You’re a visionary dedicated to your passionate causes and friends. You haven’t been able to turn people away when they come to you for help. You’ve been taking on all the problems of the outside world and abandoning yourself. Because you’re a good listener and see people without judgment, others often find themselves spilling their stories to you. You’ve been lifting people up all year, encouraging them to see the best in themselves. 

You can pamper yourself over the holidays by unplugging and exercising your mind. Tune out the world. Splurge on aromatherapy, a new yoga mat, and workout clothes. Yoga will help you practice mindfulness, and these holidays you should let yourself be in the moment. Acknowledge the feelings you’ve been neglecting while working through the emotions and lives of others. Connect with yourself on a deeper level. Use writing as an outlet. Immerse yourself in art and music. Do something strictly for yourself. Nothing can be too extra, Aquarius. 


You have an emotional capacity that drives you to do too much for other people, with always the best intentions in mind. However, you tend to absorb the emotions of others. You’re overwhelmed with everyone’s energy. 

You’ve been spending so much time in your own head, overly wrapped up in the emotions of others and focused on global injustices. Pisces, you’ve forgotten about your own well-being and state of inner peace. This holiday season, set firm boundaries for yourself and block out the outer world. Take a break from people for a couple of days and retreat from reality. You spoil everyone else with your love and time, but you need attention too.

Pencil in a day where you allow yourself to exist outside of time and focus purely on your surroundings. It could be in a luxurious hot bath or out on a walk in nature where you can be reminded of the magic and interconnection of everything. Take in the sounds and smells and feed your positivity. Splurge on a few poetry collections to feed your soul. Line up some rom-coms. Ruled by Neptune, governor of dreams and creativity, you should spend time nurturing both. Buy new luxurious bedding and strive to make your bedroom a peaceful sleep environment. Set an amethyst by your bedside to promote insight into your dream world. Write in a new dream journal. Make art inspired by what you see.