TC Agency / Midjourney

Which Zodiacs Will Totally Transform During The Aquarius New Moon, January 29

The Aquarius New Moon on January 29, 2025, is no ordinary lunation: It represents a significant cosmic turning point! With Pluto now in Aquarius and closely aligned with the Sun and Moon, expect supercharged transformative energy to arrive hand with this celestial event. What makes this moment even more significant is it’s the first time in over two centuries that an Aquarius New Moon coincides with Pluto in Aquarius!

But wait, there’s more! Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is hitting the direct button the very next day after the New Moon. When a planet stations direct, its energy gets a major boost. So, expect that Uranian flair for freedom, innovation, and sudden breakthroughs to be off the charts!

Sure, all of this cosmic activity might feel a bit dizzying, but knowledge is power, and now you know! This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for personal and collective transformation. So, why not ride this wave and proactively set your New Moon intentions? Don’t hold back: Be bold, and align your intentions with who you truly are and what you truly want. Aquarius energy aligns with innovation and originality, so let your uniqueness shine!

Every Zodiac sign will feel this transformative buzz, but some are more primed for a total life transformation. Curious if it’s your sign? Let’s dive in and find out!


Aquarius, it’s no surprise that this is your moment to shine. This is your New Moon, after all. With Pluto in your sign and your ruler, Uranus, stationing direct, you’re the star of this cosmic show. Over the next two weeks leading up to the Full Moon, you’ll feel yourself stepping into a powerful new era. Don’t expect gradual changes — Uranus, your commander-in-chief, loves sudden surprises so brace yourself for the unexpected! Your identity, goals, and relationships are all up for renewal, and you’re being called to fully embrace your individuality. Let your freak flag fly with pride, Aquarius! Pluto is here to help you own your power, while Uranus urges bold, future-focused decisions. Move forward with confidence — the Universe is cheering you on!


Taurus, this New Moon is energizing your tenth house of career and public life. Combined with Pluto’s transformative energy and Uranus stationing direct in your sign, this New Moon urges you to embrace bold changes and leave outdated patterns behind. Change is not easy for you Taurus, but it’s also the only way to grow. You’ll be cosmically supported as you visualize your ideal professional path and take meaningful steps toward it. Trust that you have the strength to thrive in the face of change. The actions you take now promise to lead to profound, lasting transformation!


Scorpio, the Aquarius New Moon shines a light on your emotional foundation and home life, as it activates your fourth house of roots and inner security. Coupled with Pluto’s depth and Uranus’s shake-up energy, the Universe is inviting you to let go of old emotional baggage and reimagine what stability means for you. Scorpio, it’s difficult for you to forgive and forget, but this is your cosmic invitation to heal past wounds, strengthen family bonds, and make changes to your living situation once and for all. Allow yourself to trust the process: The Universe has your back. By embracing rather than hiding your vulnerability, you will ultimately build a stronger foundation for growth.


Leo, this New Moon is lighting up your seventh house of relationships, making it about partnerships of all kinds. You are being given the green light to invite soul-level relationships into your life: Relationships that successfully balance your need for freedom and individuality with meaningful human connections. So make your New Moon intentions count, Leo! By making it crystal clear what you desire from romantic, professional, or platonic relationships, there’s a better chance the Universe will deliver exactly what you want! This is your time to manifest long-lasting relationships that will transform your life for the better!

So there you have the Zodiacs that are poised for the biggest life transformations under this New Moon. But don’t worry if you’re not one of the four signs listed: The Aquarius New Moon offers a cosmic reset button for everyone. The Universe invites all signs to embrace the energy of change, and to set bold, life-changing intentions.

Here’s a valuable tip for setting your intentions: Don’t set your intentions any earlier than January 29, 2025, at 7:36 AM EST. Not a minute before! Also, while you technically have two weeks until the Full Moon to set intentions, setting them as close to the New Moon as possible supercharges their potency! So, get ready to transform!