Which ‘Office’ Character Is Your Zodiac’s Work Persona?

If Michael Scott called a meeting to assign everyone in Dunder Mifflin a zodiac sign, it would devolve into chaos and a manilla folder full of HR complaints. But let’s do it anyway, because even the most dysfunctional office has a little bit of each astrological archetype in it.

Aries: Dwight Schrute 

Ambitious, intense, and slightly obsessed with arbitrary rules, Aries mirrors Dwight’s unwavering dedication. You’re a natural leader, even though your methods aren’t always appreciated by your coworkers. You both can be a little gullible, too, so keep an eye on your office supplies or you might find yourself with a stapler set in Jell-o.

Taurus: Kevin Malone 

Taurus loves food, comfort, and routine. Like Kevin, you enjoy the simple pleasures and bring a dose of chill(i) to a hectic workday. Just make sure you’re a little more vigilant with the company credit card than this clueless accountant.

Gemini: Kelly Kapoor 

Geminis, like Kelly, are social butterflies who thrive on gossip and a bit of drama. Your bubbly personality and ever-changing interests are an office whirlwind…   for better or worse.

Cancer: Pam Beesly 

Loyal, nurturing, and holding it together with quiet strength…   Cancers are the Pam of every office. You might be underestimated, but your artistic side and well-timed sarcasm will shine through eventually.

Leo: Michael Scott 

Leos crave attention and have a flair for the dramatic, much like Scraton’s favorite “World’s Best Boss.” Your enthusiasm can be contagious, but watch out for foot-in-mouth disease if you want to be loved as much as Michael (sort of) is.

Virgo: Angela Martin 

Perfectionists with a love of order, Virgos resonate with Angela’s judgemental nature and secret fondness for cats. Your attention to detail is valuable, just ease up on judging everyone’s lunch choices.

Libra: Jim Halpert 

Charming, diplomatic, and skilled at witty asides, Libras are the Jim of their workspace. You keep things balanced, though your preference for pranking in lieu of doing actual work might sometimes be construed as lazy.

Scorpio: Phyllis Vance 

Scorpios, like Phyllis, have a mysterious side and a sharp wit they deploy with a quiet smile. You fiercely protect those you care about, even if your methods are as unconventional as your courtship with Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration.

Sagittarius: Stanley Hudson 

Sagittarius values straight talk and their personal downtime, resonating with Stanley’s crossword-loving energy. You’re blunt but fair, and if the work gets done, you’re happy to tune out the office antics.

Capricorn: Oscar Martinez 

Capricorns are ambitious, intelligent, and masters of dry humor – basically the Oscar of the office. Your knowledge is unmatched, just try to sprinkle in a few more smiles so you don’t end up at all the “Actually…” parties alone.

Aquarius: Erin Hannon 

Aquarians are quirky, independent, and full of bubbly optimism, mirroring Erin’s spirit. You see the best in people (sometimes too much so) and add an offbeat charm to even the dullest meeting.

Pisces: Creed Bratton 

Elusive, adaptable, and operating on their own wavelength, Pisces vibe with the enigmatic Creed. You see the absurdity of corporate life, even if your solution involves faking your own death to escape. Probably not the best career move, though.