Sad Cypress by Agatha Christie

Which Hercule Poirot Mystery You Should Read, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Aries: Murder on the Orient Express

Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie

Aries, you love a murder mystery that has plenty of twists and turns to it. Plus, you can appreciate the unique setting of Murder on the Orient Express, well-known as one of Christieā€™s most classic murder mystery settings. Thereā€™s a lot of intensity and excitement happening at all times throughout the bookā€”and itā€™s a little intense, too, as Poirot knows he (and the rest of the passengers) could still be in danger.

Taurus: The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie

Taurus, your sign will be drawn to the quiet, peaceful village setting of ā€œThe Murder of Roger Ackroyd.ā€ The book gives you a chance to become familiar with each of the characters and is completely contained within the small village, providing intimacy and a sense of familiarity thatā€™s often lacking in modern murder mysteries. Plus, this novel features one of Christieā€™s most renowned plotsā€”just make sure you donā€™t search anything up about it before you read.Ā 

Gemini: The A.B.C. Murders

The A.B.C. Murders by Agatha Christie

Gemini, your intellectual sign will be totally fascinated by ā€œThe A.B.C. Murders.ā€ Poirot faces a serial killer who leaves an ABC railway guide beside each of their victimsā€”and strangely enough, even the famous French detective has no clue on who the killer could possibly be. The fast-paced plot and almost unpredictable mystery will have you putting together clues until the very endā€”perfect for a curious mind that canā€™t be satisfied.Ā 

Cancer: Death on the Nile

Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie

Who doesnā€™t love a little romance with their murder mystery? Cancer, youā€™ll be entertained (and maybe a little appalled) at the dramatic love triangle that starts off this murder mystery, which continues to explore the complexity of romanceā€¦even after a murder has occurred. Youā€™ll love the intense emotional experience of ā€œDeath on the Nileā€ coupled with its atmospheric setting.Ā 

Leo: Evil Under the Sun

Evil Under the Sun by Agatha Christie

Leo, youā€™ve got a serious flair for the dramatic, which makes ā€œEvil Under the Sunā€ a must-read for your sign. Set at a glamorous beachside hotel, not only is the main character of intrigue the most eye-catching, charismatic woman in the entire novel, the rest of the guests are uniquely interesting themselves. Itā€™s a theatrical read with characters that are never dullā€”perfectly your style, Leo.Ā 

Virgo: Cards on the Table

Cards on the Table by Agatha Christie

Virgo, you might be the one sign in the zodiac that can actually solve ā€œCards on the Tableā€ before it ends (as long as you can become familiar with the rules of bridge, of course). A murder occurs during a bridge game that Poirot attends, and the infamous detective thinks that each guestā€™s method of playing bridge could lead him to the killer. You love puzzles and have a perfect attention to detail, but youā€™ll still need to be able to analyze each character (and their every move) in order to solve the mystery before Poirot does.

Libra: After the Funeral

After the Funeral by Agatha Christie

Libra, youā€™ve got a keen sense of justice and a steady mind when it comes to resolving conflicts.Ā  You might find ā€œAfter the Funeralā€ to be an intriguing readā€”Poirot investigates family dynamics after the reading of a will leads to a murder. Youā€™ll have fun engaging your curious side as you unravel the familyā€™s lies throughout the novelā€”best of all, youā€™ll get to restore balance to Poirotā€™s world after solving the murder, which is certainly a sentiment the detective would appreciate.Ā 

Scorpio: The Mystery of the Blue Train

The Mystery of the Blue Train by Agatha Christie

Scorpio, your sign tends to love solving mysteries. Christieā€™s classic ā€œThe Mystery of the Blue Trainā€ is perfect for youā€”itā€™s got the luxurious setting, the twisted romance, and, of course, the brutal murder. Poirot attempts to solve the killing of a millionaireā€™s daughter by re-working the entire duration of the Blue Trainā€™s trip to Nice, Franceā€”best of all, the train itself basically functions as a prequel to ā€œMurder on the Orient Express,ā€ perfect if youā€™re looking for an excuse to continue reading the Poirot series.Ā 

Sagittarius: Appointment with Death

Appointment with Death by Agatha Christie

ā€œAppointment with Deathā€ is set in the Middle East, giving Poirot only one day to solve the case of a woman who died to a nearly unnoticeable injection. Not only is the novel intense and adventurous thanks to its high stakes and low time limit, youā€™ll also appreciate the psychological questions ā€œAppointment with Deathā€ poses to all of its many readers. Your curious sign will be able to enjoy the twisted backstory of this Poirot mystery.

Capricorn: Five Little Pigs

Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie

Capricorn, youā€™re a sign that never gives upā€”something that will make ā€œFive Little Pigsā€ doubly interesting to you, as Poirot decides to re-investigate a murder mystery from the past. The detectiveā€™s perseverance in bringing justice to the victim and the complexity of the murder Poirot has to solve will have you hooked until the very end. Fortunately, youā€™ve got enough discipline to have a shot at solving this mysteryā€”maybe youā€™ll even beat Poirot to the conclusion.Ā 

Aquarius: Curtain: Poirotā€™s Last Case

Curtain: Poirotā€™s Last Case by Agatha Christie

Aquarius, itā€™s your innovative spirit that makes you a good match for ā€œCurtain: Poirotā€™s Last Case.ā€ The novel is famous for its challenging perspectiveā€”both for readers and for Poirot himself, who faces an uncertain end to his long series. Youā€™ll be able to understand the depth of his last adventure and appreciate its originality, as well as the way it ties Poirotā€™s future with his past. Perhaps you should keep in mind, though, that the case is much more meaningful if youā€™ve read several other Poirot novels beforehandā€”especially the first.Ā 

Pisces: Sad Cypress

Sad Cypress by Agatha Christie

Pisces, your empathetic, romantic sign will love reading the complex love story in ā€œSad Cypress.ā€ Thereā€™s plenty of betrayal, heartbreak, and, well, murder to go around. A scorned woman is on trial for murder, and her only chance at freedom is if Poirot can solve the mystery of the real killerā€¦if she herself isnā€™t the murderer, that is. Itā€™s complex, emotional, and has a lot of intriguing courtroom drama, making it one of Poirotā€™s most unique cases.Ā  Ā