Thought Catalog Agency

What Your Zodiac Sign Can Reveal About Your Soulmate


Go-getting and ambitious Aries, your soulmate is someone who is independent and stable. You need a stable partner who is faithful and you know you can trust. The person meant for you will maintain their own personal individual lives with their own goals, friends, career, and outside interest. It’s someone who will make space for you in their life, without making you their whole lives. The love of your life will know how to communicate openly and transparently, and won’t be afraid to stand up to you when they need to. You need someone who will be a pillar of strength for you and who is also capable of holding their own. 

Potential Soulmates: 

Libra – balances out your fiery energy, great balance in the relationship, teaches you to view the world from a different perspective 

Scorpio – will open your eyes as to why it never worked out with anyone else, deep and passionate love, relationship full of adventure, teaches you complexity in a relationship, unstoppable duo 

Sagittarius – highly compatible, same need of independence and freedom, similar energies and interests


Your soulmate is someone who will always make you feel emotionally secure—someone who’ll do so without you having to ask for the reassurance you need. This person will be romantic and sensual. They’re loyal and will never make you doubt the trust you’ve placed in them. The love of your life will make you feel more grounded than you ever have. You will trust in the life that you’re building together because they’ll always pull their own weight. Being with them will feel like being home. It will feel cozy. When you connect them it will feel like you’re in the place that you were always meant to be. 

Potential Soulmates: 

Cancer – values security in a relationship, domestic, nurturer, prefers a quiet in with you versus a night out socializing, make a steady and reliable team 

Libra – two halves that make a whole, sensual, values simple pleasures, incorporates beauty into your life 

Scorpio – lasting connection, challenges you to grow, passionate love

Capricorn – good match for stability in relationship, values emotional and financial security 


When you fall in love with your soulmate it will be through laughter. They’re going to be someone extremely witty and funny. This person will also conquer your heart through your mind. The love of your life will challenge you, inspire you, and further fuel your growth—mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Someone daring and exciting awaits you. You’ll know it’s them because they’ll scare you a little bit. You won’t be able to stop thinking about the profound conversations you have together. You’ll know that you want this intelligent and adventurous person for the long-haul. They will make you want to commit forever. 

Potential Soulmates:

Libra – relationship-oriented, grounds you, mutual intellectual interests, work great together as a team 

Sagittarius – extremely compatible, best friends, explore together, intellectually and philosophically stimulating 

Aquarius – stimulating mental connection, inspires your growth, similar need for independence in a relationship 


Your soulmate will make you feel like your future is set and happily secure. They will be a grounding balance in your life and provide you with the stability you felt was missing in every past relationship. This person will be nurturing, affectionate, and fit the picture perfect idea you’ve always had about the love of your life. Who you’re meant to be with will make all your romantic insecurities disappear and make you feel like they are your world. They’ll treat you like family and vocally express the fact that they want to form one with you.

Potential Soulmates:

Taurus – steady and reliable partner, values family and their home life, domestic, deep mutual understanding 

Capricorn – balanced relationship, make a great team, secure connection 

Pisces – multifaceted bond, strong emotional connection, understands your sensitivity, passionate love


Your soulmate isn’t one who will constantly stroke your ego or carry out your every whim, but someone with good judgment who will put you in your place when you need to be. Your partner needs to be someone you can immensely respect—someone with a real spine who stands up and takes control. The love of your life will also be faithful, loving, and unafraid of giving you grand gestures of affection. This person will always express their adoration for you. They will push your visions further and help you realize your dreams.

Potential Soulmates:

Cancer – tender and loving care, stability, emotional security, loads of affection 

Libra – values commitment, long-term potential, deep understanding of each other’s innerworkings 

Aquarius – energetic and unstoppable force, creative union, mutual admiration, adventurous and thrill-seeking love, mutual love of independence 


When you meet your soulmate you won’t feel like you have to bottle your emotions up around them. They’ll make you feel vulnerable in a way that feels new and exciting. The person meant for you will be able to see past your barriers and self-imposed walls. They’ll never let you suffer in silence. You’ll know it’s the real thing because they’ll be a true, reliable friend and partner. This lover will always stay practical and balanced, and make you feel grounded and stress-free from life’s challenges. The both of you will grow and evolve together and inspire each other to be the best version of yourselves. 

Potential Soulmates:

Taurus – value practicality, both seeking stability and security in a relationship, patient with one another

Scorpio – strong and deep connection, reliable partnership, intellectually stimulating, loyalty 

Capricorn – both ambitious and hard-working, comfortable life together, domestic and romantic bliss 


Your soulmate will arrive at the right time, Libra. The timing will be perfect. You don’t need to look for the person of your dreams because they’ll arrive when you least expect it, and they will fit the ideal image of a lover that you’ve always had in your head. They’re someone who is incredibly romantic and sweet and devotes themselves to your relationship. They’ll prioritize your desires and needs, and never make you feel like “too much” for expressing them or trying to set boundaries. The love of your life is a good listener who is capable of understanding your emotions. This person will be able to easily read your innermost thoughts with ease. They’ll make life feel more balanced and constantly incorporate beauty into your world. 

Potential Soulmates:

Aries – balance each other out, harmonious relationship, motivates you to be more decisive, romantic and passionate relationship 

Taurus – two halves that make a whole, sensual, values simple pleasures, deep understanding of each other, stability and balance

Gemini – work great as a team, mutual intellectual interests, stimulating, inspiring relationship 


Scorpio, when you realize that your soulmate is standing in front of you it will be because you’re showing them the parts of you that scare you the most—the ones you’ve never displayed in front of anyone else. This person will reassure you that there’s beauty even in your darkness. They’ll break down the barriers you’ve built high around yourself and inspire you to be vulnerable like you’ve never been before. You’ll let them in on all your secrets. The certainty that you can trust this person will come from the fact that they’re emotionally mature and supportive. Both of you will always be on the same wavelength. It will be as if they can read your thoughts. Your love will be a profound, transformative one that makes you feel like a better version of yourself. 

Potential Soulmates:

Aries – deep and passionate love, relationship full of adventure, devotion, feels like it was always meant to be

Taurus – lasting connection, passionate and sensual bond, stability, emotional security 

Pisces – deep emotional connection, understand each other’s innerworkings, creative bond, affectionate, devoted 


Your soulmate will be an opposing force who will balance you out, but who also likes living on the adventurous side. This strong, wonderful companion will never let life together become boring. They won’t suffocate you, but instead encourage you to live independent lives with outside interests. There won’t be a single moment in which you doubt what you have or in which you feel like you’re settling. They will show you their commitment and devotion not just through words, but through action. The emotional connection between you will challenge you and inspire growth. The love of your life will be someone who makes you want to experience everything in life with them. You’ll discover a deeper meaning of love through your relationship.

Potential Soulmates:

Aries – highly compatible, same need of independence and freedom, similar energies and interests

Gemini – extremely compatible, best friends, explore together, intellectually and philosophically stimulating 

Leo – will provide you with the balance and stability you need, understanding of what sets each other off, never a dull moment together 


The person you should wait for is someone reliable and responsible who makes you feel secure in your decision of building a life together. They will bring you stability, emotional and financial security, and an unwavering devotion. Your soulmate is someone who understands that you need to grow and explore individually to be able to come together and be strong in your relationship. They will be as dedicated to your future as a unit as they are to their careers and goals. You won’t ever have to explain yourself to this person because they see you, but you’ll always feel comfortable opening up. 

Potential Soulmates:

Taurus – good match for stability in relationship, values emotional and financial security 

Cancer – balanced relationship, make a great team, secure connection 

Virgo – both ambitious and hard-working, comfortable life together, domestic and romantic bliss 


Your soulmate will be a best friend to you—someone who understands you and accepts you for all your eccentricities. They’ll know that you struggle with being vulnerable and will be patient as you learn to open up more. This person will inspire you and help you learn how to emotionally express yourself. They’ll bring out that softness that you carry deep inside and make you want to merge on a spiritual level. The way you’ll fall for them will be through profound and weird conversation, intellectual stimulation, and curiosity. The love of your life will be as curious about the mysteries of the universe as you are. Your ideal partner is a visionary who constantly pushes you to realize your own vision. 

Potential Soulmates:

Gemini – stimulating mental connection, inspires your growth, similar need for independence in a relationship 

Leo – energetic and unstoppable force, creative union, mutual admiration, adventurous and thrill-seeking love, mutual love of independence 

Libra – inspiring, heightens consciousness, both value freedom and independence, will bring balance into your life, mutual love of culture, art, and humanity 


Your true love will feel different than anyone else who came before them. What you feel for them won’t be infatuation. It won’t be a rose-colored idea of love. It may not even feel like the fairytale you’ve always dreamed of. Your love will feel steady, secure, and maybe even a little predictable. You will know what to expect from them and they will always keep their promises. Yet, your connection will be a spiritual one that transcends—a merging of souls, minds, and bodies. This person will fulfill all your emotional needs, dote on you, and make you feel safe. They’ll be fearless in expressing their love and commitment and never for a second make you doubt where you stand. 

Potential Soulmates:

Cancer – multifaceted bond, strong emotional connection, understands your sensitivity, passionate love

Scorpio – deep emotional connection, understand each other’s innerworkings, creative bond, affectionate, devoted 

Aquarius – a lot of compassion and creation, inspires your creativity, helps your realize your visions, great friends and excellent lovers