What You Can Expect From This Week’s Full Beaver Moon, According To Your Zodiac + Tarot
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The Beaver Moon is the last supermoon this year—that means that once again you might experience super-charged feelings!
We’ll be using a three card spread to determine how you should take advantage of the energies coming your way and what to expect. For the readings below, the cards will represent:
Card 1: You – How you feel about the situation, the energy you are bringing into the mix.
Card 2: The World – The energy the world is bringing to the equation. External factors.
Card 3: Advice – What’s some advice on how to handle things?
You: Queen of Pentacles
You are feeling protective and nurturing right now, Aries. Your approach towards business is pragmatic. Emblematic of an outpouring of love, abundance, and warmth.
The World: Ace of Cups, Reversed
You need to spend some time nurturing yourself, and embracing your ability to love and be loved.
Advice: Seven of Swords, Reversed
It’s time to be honest with yourself, and if you’re feeling a lot of imposter syndrome or feeling like a fraud – let it go.
You’re in a loving and nurturing mood. The best way for you to invest those feelings is into self care. Let go of your imposter syndrome and allow yourself to recognize all the talents you have.
You: Five of Swords, Reversed
You’ve come to the realization that you’re in a situation without a clear path to victory. Be honest with yourself about what you want out of all of this before you continue.
The World: Three of Cups, Reversed
The world is giving you a chance to see your value – you’re able to see some of the change you’ve directly created.
Advice: Page of Cups
Stay curious, and light up the unknown with your childlike enthusiasm.
The situation you’re in feels like it’s going to inevitably end in a defeat regardless of if you ‘win,’ but at least you’re able to see the difference you’re making. Don’t let your feelings about loss stop you from staying enthusiastic.
You: Four of Swords
It’s important that you take time to disconnect and rest.
The World: Four of Pentacles, Reversed
Be careful that your possessiveness and concern for your material situation don’t turn into paranoia.
Advice: Nine of Pentacles, Reversed
Take advantage of the moments you’re given where you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Two fours in the reading indicate that stability will be a theme. Remember that rest is an important part of preparation. Give yourself the respite you need and don’t push so hard you burn out. Don’t be so possessive and driven by the material that you lose sight of what matters to you. Treat yourself.
You: Six of Pentacles, Reversed
Something’s out of balance in your experience of giving and receiving. Make sure that your generous spirit isn’t being taken advantage of.
The World: Seven of Wands, Reversed
It feels like you’re under brutal scrutiny, and that everything is working against you. You’re standing your ground, but you still feel overwhelmed.
Advice: The Moon
There are secrets all around you, hidden within deep pools of the subconscious.
Someone is taking too much – and it’s hard to see past it, especially when it already feels like you have so much working against you. There are secrets around you. Follow your intuition, and work towards resolving that imbalance before it leads to resentment.
You: Judgement, Reversed
You’re feeling indecisive and full of self-doubt, which is obscuring your vision.
The World: Strength, Reversed
This card is heavily associated with your sign, Leo. Reversed it means you aren’t quite feeling like yourself and are far more plagued with self-doubt than usual.
Advice: 3 of Swords
Your feelings of loss and heartache are valid. Allow yourself the space to acknowledge that pain so you can begin to heal.
You have two Major Arcana cards, so you might be experiencing overwhelming feelings of self-doubt from both the Judgement and the Strength card. It’s ok to feel challenged and emotionally overwhelmed. It’s understandable to feel a sense of loss when you feel lost. Don’t let setbacks bring you into a place of self-loathing.
You: Eight of Wands
Everything is moving so fast!
The World: The Wheel of Fortune
The rise and fall of those on the wheel of fortune is all around you. It’s hard to miss the huge upheavals and changes.
Advice: Nine of Swords
It’s scary, but you need to face your fears. They often loom larger in our heads than they are in real life.
The constant movement you’re experiencing reminds you of just how fast things can change. Don’t catastrophize those thoughts and allow them to coalesce into fears! Instead face what you’re afraid of, and you’ll find the resilience you need to continue to progress.
You: Page of Cups, Reversed
You’re feeling blocked and your inability to access your normal creative outlet has you feeling emotionally imbalanced.
The World: Ace of Cups
You are starting to notice within the world signs and opportunities that spark new feelings and awaken old ones.
Advice: Ace of Wands, Reversed
Don’t allow yourself to lose your motivation. Keep moving, and try to return to your inspiration.
You use your creativity as an outlet when you’re feeling overwhelmed, but you’re feeling creativity blocked. This inability to access your way of processing your world has left you feeling imbalanced. Don’t lose heart, there are signs all around you that can help you remove those blocks.
You: Death, Reversed
Change can be scary, and sometimes it’s hard to let go of who we are so we can turn into what we’re going to become.
The World: Page of Cups, Reversed
You don’t feel like you’re able to connect to others because of varying emotional maturity.
Advice: King of Pentacles, Reversed
Don’t get so obsessed with the material that you forget to balance it with the spiritual.
You’re feeling challenged by all the change, and aren’t quite ready to fully surrender to all the changes taking place. You’re also feeling disconnected from your usual support system. Try to see past the material situation, and to the deeper nature of your experience.
You: Nine of Pentacles
You’re allowing yourself to enjoy your accomplishments.
The World: Four of Wands, Reversed
The world has an air of uncertainty and that has left room for a lot of anxiety. That combination has overshadowed the smaller moments and simpler things you enjoy.
Advice: Ten of Pentacles
Share your success, and start to think about something more permanent.
You’ve worked hard and gotten yourself to a place of comfort. The world feels uncertain and tentative, but don’t let that damper your progress! Find a way to share your success – you have the chance to create something special and long-lasting.
You: Six of Swords, Reversed
There’s been a lot of misfires and changes of plans.
The World: Four of Swords, Reversed
You know that you need rest, but you’re the sort of tired that leaves sleep still out of reach.
Advice: Queen of Cups
Lead with your heart for a little while. Your mind will get too tangled in all of the minute details that you’re dealing with to see with the clarity that your heart can right now.
There’s been a lot of change and upheaval, and it’s been hard for you to adjust. You can’t get the rest you need to feel recharged. Listen to your heart for a bit. The thoughts will clear when the emotions are untangled.
You: Ten of Wands
Take a moment and eliminate the unnecessary. You don’t have to carry everything.
The World: Eight of Pentacles
You’re being offered an opportunity to refine your talents and hone your skills.
Advice: Nine of Pentacles, Reversed
It’s important to strike a work-life balance. Finding that balance is possible through discipline and self-reflection.
You’ve almost made it to your goal, so make sure you aren’t weighing yourself down in these last stages by taking on too much. There’s a difference between the sort of work that helps you build skills and busywork. You can be focused and find satisfaction in your work without having it consume your life.
You: Queen of Cups
Not only is your heart on your sleeve, but you’re also in a state of emotional calm that makes it easy for you to engage in deep self-reflection.
The World: Three of Swords
The world feels as though all it wants to do is break your heart, and it’s hard not to feel a deep loss and heartache.
Advice: King of Cups
Let love and empathy lead you. The heart’s wisdom has important lessons for you.
You’ve been through a lot, and are still going through a lot – so much it feels like your heart is breaking. Regardless, you sit bravely with your heart on your sleeve. While you’ve been emotionally challenged, you also feel centered and calm.