What Triggers ‘The Ick’ For Each Zodiac Sign
“The ick” is a phenomenon that occurs when you’re dating someone and they reveal something about themselves that is a major turn-off, so much so that you may no longer want to date them at all.
Sometimes, you may get the ick within a few dates but it can happen later on in a relationship as well. After the ick has been ignited, it is difficult to go back. Suddenly, everything they do will irritate you and drive you mad.
Everyone has different triggers for their own icks. Here is what triggers the ick for each zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21st to April 19th)
Lacking passion.
Aries is incredibly passionate. About pretty much everything they do. This is because Aries doesn’t see the point in living a life they don’t love, a life that they aren’t crazy about. Aries needs a partner who matches their enthusiasm for living. If Aries notices that someone they’re dating lacks the same fervor for being alive, Aries will get the ick pretty much immediately.
Taurus (April 20th to May 21st)
Having a messy home.
Taurus has a deep appreciation for beauty and aesthetics, especially when it comes to interiors. You know that Taurus has decorated their home to absolute perfection, curating the perfect decor, color scheme, and layout. If Taurus finds out someone they date doesn’t take care of their space, this is a huge red flag to this earth sign.
Gemini (May 22nd to June 21st)
Being anti-social.
Gemini is curious, intellectual, and social, meaning this air sign requires lots and lots of mental stimulation in order to stay interested and engaged. If someone is a homebody or says things like “I hate people,” Gemini will run in the other direction.
Cancer (June 22nd to July 22nd)
Texting too much.
Cancer needs their space, and sometimes lots of it. Cancer enjoys retreating into their shell to recharge. In fact, alone time is absolutely imperative for this sensitive water sign. If someone is constantly blowing up Cancer’s phone, this will push Cancer away quicker than anything else.
Leo (July 23rd to August 22nd)
Not taking care of themselves.
Leo is a prideful zodiac sign who believes that self-care is self-love. If Leo is dating someone and sees that they don’t take care of themselves, this will stress Leo out and make them want to end things with them STAT.
Virgo (August 23rd to September 22nd)
Being a hot mess.
Virgo is driven and has their life together. They have a spreadsheet for pretty much every facet of their life, have a perfected morning and night routine, and generally keeps all their ducks in a perfectly straight row. If they see that someone doesn’t have their own sh*t together, trust that Virgo will find this unappealing as heck.
Libra (September 23rd to October 22nd)
Being unkind to service industry staff.
Libra is all about fairness. This air sign wants balance and harmony at all times. This is why one of the biggest things that will give Libra the ick is seeing a date be unkind or rude to service industry staff. This tells everything Libra needs to know about the other person’s character, and they know that they want nothing to do with them based on this information.
Scorpio (October 23rd to November 22nd)
Still being hung up on their ex.
Scorpio has enough trust issues as is. If Scorpio finds out that someone they’re dating is still hung up on a past relationship, it’s over. Scorpio has zero interest in chasing someone else and needing to prove their worth. Yuck. Thank u, next.
Sagittarius (November 23rd to December 21st)
Being clingy.
Sagittarius loves their freedom. They hate being tied down to anyone or anything. Sagittarius wants to do things their way, without constraints and without input from anyone else. If someone acts clingy to Sagittarius in any way, trust that Sagittarius will get the ick immediately.
Capricorn (December 22nd to January 20th)
Having no life goals.
Capricorn is as ambitious as they come. Capricorn has major goals for their life and will stop at nothing to see their vision through. As such, they need a partner who is equally as ambitious. If someone isn’t passionate about personal growth, their career, or anything at all, this will make Capricorn lose all respect for them.
Aquarius (January 21st to February 18th)
Being mainstream.
Being the same as everyone else? In this economy? No thanks! If Aquarius is turned off by anyone, it is a conformist. Aquarius believes in coloring outside the lines and pushing the status quo. Aquarius needs a person as unique as they are. Otherwise, they’re not interested.
Pisces (February 19th to March 20th)
Refusing to talk about the deeper things in life.
Pisces is sentimental and a deep thinker. Pisces doesn’t believe in small talk; they want to know the depths of someone’s soul, especially someone they’re interested in romantically. If Pisces keeps trying to spark intellectual discussions with a date who only wants to talk about surface level subjects, they will ask for the check before the second round of drinks can even be considered.