
What To Do For Your Valentine’s Day Date Based On Their Love Language

Gone are the days when you could just toss a bouquet of roses and a heart-shaped box of chocolates at your Valentine and hope for the best. Heck, did that ever even work? Letā€™s face it, not everyone is the same. One Valentine isnā€™t going to like the same thing as another. If youā€™re stumped for what to get your date for Valentineā€™s Day, you can up your odds for success by going by their love language. Read on for some creative Valentineā€™s Day gift and date ideas based on the 5 love languages.

If their love language is Words of Affirmationā€¦

Whatever you do for Valentineā€™s Day, make sure it features lots of communication. Every chance you get, tell your date how much you appreciate them. Tell them what you like about them and how they make you feel. The more genuine, sincere, and specific you can get, the better. At the end of the day, they shouldnā€™t be left wondering.

For the date, pick an intimate venue where you can speak freely. Try answering the 36 questions that lead to love together. If youā€™ve been together for a while, recreate your first date, even down to the outfits.

For gifts, get them something that reminds you of them, along with a heartfelt card. And donā€™t leave the card blank. The store-bought message isnā€™t enough. Really empty your soul out onto that cardstock.

If their love language is Physical Touchā€¦

For Valentineā€™s Day, youā€™ll want to choose activities where you can have an intimate connection. That doesnā€™t mean youā€™re stuck at home, though. Even something simple as a hand on their back can be enough to help them feel a connection with you.

For the date, make sure you can be close. A corner booth in a darkened restaurant, salsa dancing lessons, a drive-in movieā€“any date where you can be in their personal bubble. If youā€™re stuck at home, pop on a horror movie and snuggle up for security.

For gifts, a massage (whether professional or from your own two hands), a weighted blanket, or fluffy socks will be a big hit.

If their love language is Quality Timeā€¦

Those who have quality time as their love language sometimes end up with lackluster dates. Thatā€™s because their loved ones often forget about the ā€œqualityā€ in quality time. Make sure that whatever you do, the event is special. Sitting in your pajamas binging The Office like any other night just wonā€™t cut it on Valentineā€™s Day.

For the date, do an activity they love. Whether itā€™s a hike in the wilderness, a camping trip, or a dedicated game night for two, itā€™s time to go all-out. How about an in-home picnic, complete with checked blanket and charcuterie?

For gifts, gift certificates for experiences are great. If you canā€™t go on your adventure right now, you can have it planned for the future. Just make sure itā€™s a coupleā€™s trip, and not something just for them.

If their love language is Gift-Givingā€¦

Valentineā€™s Day has always been tailor-made for those with gift-giving as their love language. While you could go the traditional chocolates, roses, and jewelry route, why not get a little creative?

For the date, make the gift-giving a highlight of the date. A scavenger hunt around the city, where each stop features a gift, will be a hard one to top next year. Since they often like giving gifts as much as receiving them, you could also do the TikTok Target challenge to follow a theme for gifts for each other.

For gifts, itā€™s a lot harder to go wrong here. As long as youā€™re getting them something they like, youā€™re on the right track. And the odds of them having an Amazon wishlist explicitly for this purpose is high, so you canā€™t go wrong there, either.

If their love language is Acts of Serviceā€¦

People with this love language feel most appreciated when their loved ones lift some of their burden. While doing something for them, like a chore they hate, would be appreciated, do something a little outside the box to make Valentineā€™s Day special.

For the date, whatever you do, take all the planning responsibilities away from them. If they feel they have to plan, it wonā€™t feel like youā€™re really doing anything for them. Whether itā€™s a DIY crafting date or an at-home pillow fort movie night, youā€™re in charge of all the minute details.

For gifts, plan a trip, cook a home-cooked meal, finish a project youā€™ve been meaning to do. Just do it and surprise them with the results. Get them some candy or flowers too, just to make it feel more like a gift.