What Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn Can Expect In August, According To A Tarot Reader
In this reading, we’ll dive into the month of August for three different zodiacs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. These zodiacs, also known as the earth signs, are known for being practical and reliable and share many attributes—which is why they may find themselves sharing certain struggles or responding similarly to conflict.
Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:
— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)
Card By Card Breakdown
The Past
The Page of Cups, Reversed
The Page of Cups is in love with living and enjoys every aspect of the world around them. Their beginner’s heart delights in it all, and is able to carry a positive outlook on every new thing around them. But when reversed, it indicates an imbalance – perhaps you are far too in love with the things around you – or perhaps you are so jaded by all of the activity you’ve had to pull yourself through that you just can’t right now. A recent heartbreak has hardened your heart. This event has made you unwilling to engage with that inner sense of wonder. What could happen to bring you back to believing in the magic of life?
The Present
The Queen of Pentacles
Associated heavily with the sign of Capricorn, it is no surprise to see this card in your reading. Regardless of the happenings in your past, there is abundance now. Your grounded approach to life has helped you to shape yourself into a well-rounded person. Your pragmatic approach has brought you to a fertile place. You are charitable, kind, and generous with the abundance you’ve built which means you’re created a strong community of people around yourself. You command (and give) a lot of loyalty. Now is a great time to allow yourself to just be in the moment. Continue to care for what you’ve built, your practical approach has brought you to a good place. Don’t overextend yourself. Be sure to recognize the abundant life you have created!
The Challenge
The Ace of Swords
The Ace of Swords is a card about mental clarity, and the ability to cut through to the heart of the matter. In a challenge position it indicates that there is trouble in doing that. It could be due to bad information or misinformation, confusion, or a mental block – or an inability to bring the head and heart into accord. This could be related to the reversed Page of Cups, as being incapable of connecting with your inner sense of wonder could be impacting your ability to see a situation clearly. It could cause a lot of negative self-talk. Instead of being able to cut through the layers of complexity, you find yourself in a real moment of analysis paralysis and mental overwhelm. See if you can reframe this challenge, and recognize it as an opportunity to gain a newfound awareness. Question the source of the narratives you are holding onto.
Your Thoughts
5 of Cups, Reversed
Part of the issue indicated in the Ace of Swords might be with where your thoughts are – which is with your heartbreak and grief. You had what you thought was something – what felt like an abundance but now you feel that just isn’t true. The new reality that you are dealing with isn’t the one you planned for, much less wanted. And now it’s here. It’s hard to grieve a loss, and very hard to grieve the loss of our dreams of what might have been. That sadness and despair must be felt and processed for the mind to be able to cut through the situation at hand. Allow yourself the time to grieve, and consider what could possibly help you integrate this and move on – your mental and emotional energy is precious, and you deserve the chance to apply it to your future instead of having it swirl around the past.
Process your grief so you can spend your energy looking towards a bright future.
Your Subconscious
Six of Pentacles
Subconsciously guiding this situation are thoughts about success, power, and influence and how they interplay in giving and receiving. Fundamentally it is a card about how one applies prosperity, and the essence of charity and how giving and receiving create a harmonious world. It is to remind the giver to not give too much, and a reminder to the receiver to not take more than needed. It is also a reminder to keep careful balance as to how you spend your resources – be they financial, mental, or emotional.
The Future
The World, Reversed
The Major Arcana tells the story of the Fool’s journey into the World, and the World – regardless of its orientation – is reaching a major milestone. You’ve done it! You’ve achieved something big and completed a cycle. Even in reverse The World is a card of boundless positivity and joy. Just because the journey is over doesn’t mean you should stop, for the purpose of a cycle is its continuation. Is there something holding you back from moving on? Was there something in the process that you feel you missed? What is next for you, and how can you take this great joy forward with you?
Four of Pentacles
Many of the pentacle cards throughout the reading have been focused on the essence of abundance and its relationship to generosity, and the four of pentacles is about building stability by holding on. As advice, the Four of Pentacles asks you to consider what you are holding on to, and if it is in balance with what you need, especially in relation to the six of pentacles in your subconscious. It is another reminder to approach the situation with balance, and to allow for you to feel secure without becoming overly miserly. Boundaries are good – just don’t allow them to become walls.
Overall Thoughts
In the not-so-distant past you experienced a heartbreak or set back that left you disconnected with the part of you that sees wonder and possibilities in the world. While you are in a situation of abundance that you have built through hard work, you’re unable to truly see or feel that because of the disconnect. Instead of seeing your world for what it is, you are overwhelmed with bad information – possibly in the form of negative self-talk or bad narratives about yourself. You’re incapable of cutting through to the truth of the matter. This has left you feeling like there is an imbalance in giving and taking. This is because a lot of your energy is dedicated to grieving a future you thought you had. Allow yourself to feel this grief, so that you can see the abundance around you. You’ve accomplished so much, and have a lot to celebrate and share – but without fully processing your feelings you’ll prevent yourself from realizing an amazing future.
Find Taurus’, Virgo’s, and Capricorn’s August tarot reading here.
Find Gemini’s, Libra’s, and Aquarius’s August tarot reading here.
Find Cancer’s, Scorpio’s, and Pisces’ August tarot reading here.