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What Is Often Overlooked About Each Zodiac Sign


Aries has a reputation for being merciless and aggressive, but they truly have soft hearts. When they stand up for causes they believe in and for the people they love, it comes from love. This sign is also highly romantic when they fall in love. There’s nothing they wouldn’t do to put a smile on the face of the person they love. When they fall hard, Aries has a sensitivity unknown to the rest of the world. 


Taurus is known for being intense, rigid, and stubborn. However, this sign has a carefree side to them that is refreshing. They work hard to construct the life they’ve always wanted, and there’s nothing they crave more than stability, but they also have the ability not to sweat the small stuff. Taurus is carefree because they’re so secure in who they are and what they want. The rest is just noise to them. 


People erroneously perceive Gemini as two-faced, selfish, and fickle. The reality is that Gemini is one of the most generous and selfless zodiac signs. They’re loyal and principled and always put those they love first. Gemini is aware of what others need in the moment and what makes them happy and will go to far lengths to deliver these things to their friends and family. They’re the bestest friend anyone could have. 


This zodiac sign has a rep for being sensitive and fragile. However, Cancer isn’t the sentimental fool that they’re made out to be. It’s their empathy and ability to read the emotions of others that can make them so dangerous. Cancer can be emotionally manipulative in order to achieve their aims. They often victimize themselves and turn the tables around on others in order to avoid accountability. Cancer also isn’t so quick to forgive. Fool them once, shame on you. But twice? There will be hell to pay. 


Don’t mistake Leo for being self-centered. They may love attention and be into themselves, but can you blame them? In actuality this is one of the kindest and most generous signs out there. They certainly have one of the purest hearts. Leo loves themselves profoundly, but they love others just as, if not more, deeply. This zodiac sign would move heaven and earth if it meant helping someone in need, especially if that person is someone they hold dear. 


Everyone knows Virgo to be the serious, hard-working, and responsible person that they have a reputation for being. Virgo is meticulous in everything that they do and always strives for perfection. What is often overlooked about them, is their witty, playful, and hilarious nature. They’re intellectually humorous and sarcastic and know how to make other people laugh. Virgo isn’t the prude that they’re made out to be, either. Just ask their past lovers. 


Libra the calm and peaceful diplomat actually has an aggressive side to them that surfaces every now and then, particularly when it comes to maintaining fairness and justice. They’re not the doormat that they’re made out to be. Libra can easily lose their temper when others are being treated unjustly—and even when they’re not getting their way. They may be nice and easygoing, but don’t cross them—Libra can go from 0 to 100 real quick. 


Everyone is afraid of and intimidated by the reserved, mysterious, and intense Scorpio. Contrary to how they appear to others, Scorpio is actually one of the most tender and sweet zodiac signs there is. Deep down, they’re extremely soft-hearted and sensitive. It’s because they’re so emotional that they guard themselves the way they do. Scorpio is afraid of trusting the wrong person and getting hurt. They’re no stranger to heartbreak. Give them a little time to open up and show you who they really are. 


Sagittarius is known for being outgoing, short-tempered, and blunt. They’re also highly independent and require a lot of space. Sag is also a deeply imaginative and dreamy person. This is why they require so much time alone to explore. There’s a romantic side of them that requires indulging. It isn’t just about working hard and playing hard for Sag. They’re deeply curious about the universe and what it has to offer. 


Just like their fellow earth sign, Virgo, Capricorn is responsible, ambitious, and rigid when it comes to achieving their goals. And just like Virgo, Cap is one of the funniest zodiac signs there is. No one can crack a joke like them or put a smile on your face the way a Capricorn can. They make you laugh without even meaning to. To strangers they may appear professional, reserved, and quiet, but their friends know the jokester in Cap. 


Aquarius can be hard to reach, detached, and aloof at times. Often they leave those who love them questioning where they stand. It’s not because they’re unemotional or uncaring, it’s just that they require a lot of time alone. They also struggle with emotionally expressing themselves. Aquarius is in actuality one of the most loyal, ride-or-die zodiac signs there is. They’ll never leave the ones they love behind and they’ll drop anything to be there for them. 


Pisces is known for their deeply sensitive and empathetic nature. They have hearts of gold and can almost preternaturally pick up on the energies of others. Often, they’ve been hurt and have known heartache. However, Pisces can also be quite vicious themselves. They also have anger issues behind closed doors. This zodiac sign isn’t the innocent, sentimental little lamb they’re portrayed to be. They can analyze situations and people for who they are and won’t think twice about walking away once they’ve had enough.