Jacky Hong

What Every Zodiac Can Expect From Capricorn Season

Capricorn season starts December 22nd, and this will be a transit urging us to ground ourselves, focus, and take slow and steady steps toward the life we want for 2024. We are also still amid Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn until January 1st, so this is a time for slowing down and tying up loose ends.

With that being said, this is what every zodiac can expect from Capricorn season:


Aries, you are a natural-born leader, moving with boldness and aggression, and you tend to leave a long-lasting impression because of it. Embrace that part of you. With the energy of a pragmatic Capricorn, it’s important to keep pushing and going after what you want.


You’re a creature of habit, but with the energy of Capricorn season, you’re feeling the urge to switch things up. You’re taking the class, you’re starting the project, and you’re getting clear on what you really want for your life. You’re going into 2024 with more confidence!


With the energy of Mercury Retrograde, you’re reflecting on the relationships and friendships that you need to cut ties with, and you’re cutting those ties. You’re feeling very confident in expressing yourself. This will ultimately bolster your sense of security moving forward.


With the energy of the Full Moon on December 26th, you might feel as if your emotions are heightened during this time. So the best thing you can do for yourself is relax. Take time for yourself. Reflect on the progress made and meditate on all the good people still in your life.


Right now you’re getting all your ducks in a row and establishing a better, more solid work/life balance. You’re aligning your goals and getting focused on what you’re actually passionate about. By doing this work of introspection, you can end 2023 on a more organized note.


You’re feeling incredibly inspired, motivated, and tempted to jump into new creative projects. That’s great, Virgo, but make sure you don’t experience burnout before you’ve even started. Just put some ideas in motion for now. It’s the end of the year, so don’t put so much pressure on yourself.


Recently you’ve been feeling a deep desire to make shifts in your career. You’re also reflecting on the people in your life who are actually in support of you making those shifts. Spend quality time with these people this Capricorn season and deepen those connections. Slow down and relax with friends before you get started on your new career journey.


If you haven’t been feeling emotionally fulfilled lately and want more depth, try switching things up. Say “Yes” to social plans. Book the trip. Take the class and learn something new. Start the project. Whatever productive avenue you take, it will be incredibly motivating and inspiring for you.


You’re no longer allowing yourself to run away from your feelings. You’re confronting them head-on. That’s good, Sag, but it can be draining to do so, so be sure to take time to rest. Immerse yourself in some self-care rituals so that you can enter 2024 confident and ready to go.


It’s your season, Cap! With the energy of Retrograde and the Full Moon, you’re feeling the urge to do the internal work and ask yourself the tough questions. Am I valuing myself? Am I being valued by others? You’re feeling inspired to make serious changes and moving forward with more confidence and determination than ever before.


You’re more emotionally reserved than most, but with the Full Moon in Cancer, you’re feeling a pull into your emotions. You’re prioritizing self-reflection and even getting into journaling and meditation. This will be beneficial for when you get back to focusing on work and career goals.


As the year comes to a close, you’re feeling deeply motivated and inspired. You’re feeling encouraged to move forward with your ideas and aspirations and indulge in your self-expression. You might even be working alongside others, and it’s incredibly fulfilling for you. It makes you feel seen and heard.