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What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect From The Gemini Mars in Retrograde

I know what you’re thinking—another retrograde? Yes, here we are again, but Mars is taking the reins this time. Mars, the planet of war, anger, drive, passion, and sex, has been in the sign of Gemini (a sign known for its quick tongue, impulsivity, and curiosity) for the last several weeks. However, from October 30th, 2022-January 12th, 2023, Mars will move into retrograde. While this may sound like a long time, don’t stress—planets farther from the Sun take a little longer to move along, but it won’t be super intense energy every moment. 

When Mars is in retrograde, the usual push to stop, reflect, and reassess is present—yet the energy of Mars having to slow down is not exactly a comfort zone for the planet. Having to retrace your steps and think things through before you act is an asset, but it may feel totally the opposite of what seems natural. This means that your tempers may be tested, your desires and drive may feel like an emergency brake is being pulled, and your more aggressive (or passive-aggressive) nature is requiring you to get to the root of it. The good news is, by the end, some significant breakthroughs will take place, but it may not always be the smoothest journey getting there.

Take a look at your zodiac sign below (Check Your Sun, Rising, and Mars signs) to get an idea of what you can expect from this Gemini Mars in Retrograde. 


As Mars retrogrades through your 3rd House of communication, you need to resolve some old conflicts that you never fully put to rest. It’s easy to try and quickly move past an issue, but this window is a chance to clear up those problems—especially those amongst your loved ones. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to confront those issues, this is the best time. Just take a breath and think through what you want to say before you say it—the holiday season is already dramatic enough without pouring gasoline on the fire.


Ready or not, Taurus, Mars is hitting you where it hurts—your pocketbook. As the retrograde takes place in your 2nd House of finances, material things, and stability, this is a time for you to fixate on how you spend your money. Your Venus-ruled nature loves reliable yet beautiful material possessions, but are you using shopping habits to fill a void elsewhere? There is nothing wrong with treating yourself; just take a beat to examine if your compulsion to hit “add to cart” (or, alternatively, to be insanely frugal) stems from something deeper.


As you might have guessed, this Retrograde is one you’re likely to feel deeply, given that it’s taking place in your sign. With Mars moving through your 1st House of self, this season may be a bit of a struggle for you at times. Mars is the planet of anger, drive, and passion—you may be feeling your tempter tested and your desire to act impulsive reach new heights. However, this is an ideal learning season for you, especially if you often feel overlooked in your day-to-day. Mars is always ready to give you the drive to say what needs to be said, but this retrograde gives you some time to slow down and decide whether you need to speak up or sit it out. You don’t get chances like this often, so take advantage over the next few months.


With Mars retrograding through your 12th House of spirituality and the unconscious, you could find that staying present in the moment isn’t as easy as usual—even amongst your loved ones. Mars, usually very ambitious and driven, feels a bit off-center when it’s in retrograde and in the house of all things hidden—experiencing emotions that you can’t place a source to isn’t uncommon. However, the best thing you can do is try to stay connected to the people that love you and remind yourself that it’s okay to feel—sometimes, it can be more important than we realize.


Your 11th House of networking and friendships is getting the spotlight during this retrograde, Leo. If miscommunications are popping up, take action to clear up any confusion. If you’re misunderstood, take a step back and try to see where they are coming from. You may find that your approach to community and teamwork could use some refining. 


Your 10th House of Career is getting some attention in this retrograde—though perhaps it’s coming slower than you like. You’ve been putting in the work, and you know it, but you haven’t seen the results yet—something that doesn’t sit right with you. It might be time for a shift in how you’re approaching your career—are you advocating for yourself? Are you placing blame on outside factors when some of it could be resting on your shoulders? Is there where you want to be—and if not, how can you change that? All these questions are essential to reflect on during the next few months.


If you’ve been trying to expand your horizons, then you’ve likely felt the effects of Mars moving through your 9th House of higher education, travel, and philosophy. As the retrograde occurs, you may feel a need to reflect on what your goals are for the future. Your curiosity and desire to learn more about the world around you may come from a place of fairness, but ask yourself what you really want out of life? Not everything can go according to plan, but part of life is the journey—so where is it taking you?


Your vulnerable nature is forcing its way to the front during this retrograde, Scorpio. While you’re never one to shy away from the taboo or the secrets under the surface, you tend to keep your own emotions somewhat guarded, which isn’t always a bad thing. However, your ruling planet of Mars is retrograding through your 8th House of transformation, rebirth, bonds, partners, and shared resources/energy, which will certainly leave an impact. This is the time to reassess and reflect on what ties you to a person—what boundaries do you need to enforce, and what causes you to want to connect deeply and entrust yourself to someone else? While it’s easy to either always keep your defenses up or jump headfirst into the next opportunity presented to you, take a moment to sit with what you want and need in your connections. There are times to be open and take a step back—it’s time you grapple with when each should occur.


As Mars moves through your 7th House of Partnerships, it’s time to be honest about the way you communicate and handle conflict. If you’ve been avoiding the tough conversations, it’s time to face them—but take the time to figure out the best way to go about them rather than blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. It’s easy to try and bury the moments in humor or jump into distractions, but this is a time to engage with the issues at hand. If you want your partnerships to be the best they can, you have to work through conflicts, not dismiss them. 


Your 6th House of habits, routines, and health is asking for your attention during this retrograde. While you may have a particular schedule or routine going, ask yourself if it’s effective. If you’re struggling to be rested and energized, or if you end each day feeling agitated and dreading the next one, reassess your routines and see what can be changed. You may not have control over everything that happens, but making small changes could make more of a difference than you realize—and ultimately lead to improvements in other areas of your life.


If you have been feeling low energy and dealing with some creative roadblocks, don’t stress too much, Aquarius. Mars is retrograding through your 5th House of passion, creativity, and romance, which can leave you feeling out of sorts in all those areas. You may be feeling listless because the usual things that bring you joy aren’t cutting it, but the good news is this is a chance to try something different instead. You could be shocked at how a new approach, perspective, or hobby could inspire more than you ever knew—you just have to be willing to let go of the usual.


While the upcoming holiday season is more than enough reason for family stress, Mars retrograding through your 4th House of home and roots may cause more intense struggles than anticipated. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed about your home or have been skirting past conflicts to keep the peace, know that this isn’t the way Mars operates—you need to be able to say how you feel without walking on eggshells or without letting your emotions build until they explore. There is a balance here, and this is a great opportunity to find it.