What Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces Can Expect In August, According To A Tarot Reader
In this reading, we’ll dive into the month of August for three different zodiacs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. These zodiacs, also known as the water signs, are emotionally in-tune with those around them and share many attributes—which is why they may find themselves sharing certain struggles or responding similarly to conflict.
Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:
— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)
Card By Card Breakdown
The Past
4 of Wands
Recently, you were able to celebrate a milestone achievement. It felt like things were finally falling into place, and moving towards stability after this major milestone. You still think of that time with affection and nostalgia. It was harmonious and wonderful and you were able to connect with the people around you – your community, friends, and family all were in energetic accord. If this moment wasn’t about a life milestone, it was about a project milestone. Regardless, this indicates a huge, celebrated success.
The Present
3 of Swords, Reversed
Regardless of your recent success, it hasn’t made the present easier for you. You are experiencing a time of difficulty – perhaps you aren’t able to acknowledge the part you had in your own prior success shown in the Four of Wands. Or perhaps it’s been a heartbreak that has overshadowed your achievement and the happy times that follow. There’s a lot of big feelings and big emotions in this card, and it’s important that you give yourself the space to feel the emotions and heal. Now is a good time to reframe your past in a way that empowers you.
The Challenge
5 of Swords
There are some situations in which winning has too high of a price. Words have been said in an argument that can’t be taken back, or ‘winning’ has cost you your dignity or self-respect. You were right – but at what cost? These sorts of moments of Pyrrhic victory are what is pictured in the Five of Swords. Loss is a part of life and can present an amazing chance to get to know your boundaries and to understand which battles are worth the fight. Everything, especially a loss, can be formed into a lesson. It might feel like everything and everyone is aligned against you, so instead focus on the opportunity that you have to understand what is most important to you and to set your sights on that.
Your Thoughts
8 of Pentacles
There is a delight that happens in dedicating yourself to a skill. It’s a powerful feeling to diligently pursue a craft, and to have methodical application of will and determination yield a tactile creation. Commonly called the ‘apprentice card’, this card is an indicator that patience and dedication build to create mastery. While working towards mastery can be repetitive and difficult, the sense of accomplishment and empowerment that it can bring is an amazing feeling. Your thoughts are about leveling up your knowledge and mastering your skills. Dedicating yourself to mastering skills may help you to carry forward the energy from the Four of Wands so that you can weather the storm that the reversed Three of Swords has brought. It’s a way to remind yourself of all that you have accomplished – and all you can accomplish in the future.
Your Subconscious
Judgement, Reversed
In your subconscious are fears of showing your true self. You and feelings of worthiness have an “it’s complicated” relationship at best, and you carry a lot of self-doubt. This helps in obscuring your way forward, and makes skill mastery and learning higher lessons difficult. Now is a time to learn from your past and move forward. Don’t judge yourself based on others – instead strive to be a better you. Remember that you are worthy of success and your love. Remind yourself of how far you’ve come, what you’ve accomplished, and what you can bring. When self-doubt or negative self-talk creep into your consciousness, redirect that energy. The Eight of Pentacles shows that you have skills to master and more achievements to come, and you deserve to have all your energy directed towards them.
The Future
The Fool
The Major Arcana cards chart the Fool’s journey into the world and all the lessons learned along the way. Its number – zero – is not one of nothingness but one of boundless potential. Perhaps it’s a life free from self-doubt or negative self-talk, or an actual brand-new opportunity for adventure. The Fool is setting out, starting on a huge undertaking abundant with self-confidence and ready to learn what life has to teach. They stride confidently forward – certain that their direction is the proper one. In the future position, this likely means that you have integrated the lessons from your experiences and are, indeed, embarking on a new life.
The Chariot, Reversed
If you focus your energy towards your goals, success will be inevitable. It will take balancing a lot of internal forces, and a lot of dedicated work, but your convictions will help drive you towards your goals. You recently achieved success in the Four of Wands, and while you are experiencing self-doubt, you know that you are capable of great things. Your willingness to invest in long-term strategies as indicated by the Eight of Pentacles shows that you have the right mindset to master the skills needed to succeed, as long as you are able to redirect the negative feelings surrounding the situation. The Chariot is about being able to balance those opposing forces in order to move forward, and as advice it serves to remind you to have the courage of your convictions and confidence in your abilities.
Overall Thoughts
As a water sign, you are aware and sensitive to the undercurrent of emotions under everything. The undercurrent of your experience right now is your self-doubt and your concern about your worthiness which manifests as a fear of showing your true self. The rewards for doing so, however, are nothing short of extraordinary. The first several cards of your tarot reading, covering your past and present, show that while you’ve recently celebrated an achievement of a milestone it has still left you feeling hollow and like you’ve lost more than you’ve gained. You are challenged following a victory that has made you feel as though the victory wasn’t all that it appeared.
Where the reading really focuses energy is in your subconscious, future, and advice. Having Major Arcana cards in these positions are indicative of large wells of energy at work. Ensure that you deal with the foundational issues you are having with allowing your true self to shine. If you are able to focus all of your energy on your plans to move forward in mastery of skill, you are bound to embark on a new, exciting adventure.
Find Aries’, Leo’s, and Sagittarius’ August tarot reading here.
Find Taurus’, Virgo’s, and Capricorn’s August tarot reading here.
Find Gemini’s, Libra’s, and Aquarius’s August tarot reading here.