What Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius Can Expect This December, According To A Tarot Reader
The Fire Signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are known for their passion and energy.
Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:
— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)
The Past
Page of Cups
Meditation can often help us understand where our feelings originate and reside. There was a recent period where you felt emotionally vulnerable and had to dedicate energy to that inner work.
The Present
The Emperor
Currently law and authority is on your side. You can move with the confidence of knowing there’s an authority future and a system that backs your movement forward.
The Challenge
Knight of Pentacles
Getting too caught up with the details of work can pull us away from the people and pursuits that matter the most to us in life. While there are moments where a relentless goal chase is necessary, it can’t become the day to day or there won’t be room for anything (or anyone) else.
Your Thoughts
Queen of Wands (Reversed)
A lack of clear successes can make anyone feel flustered. If they have a lot of trauma in their past it can cause them to fall back to emotionally manipulative tactics. Try to help redirect that passion into something creative.
Your Subconscious
Ace of Pentacles
There’s a lot of opportunities here, and subconsciously you want to be able to capitalize on them. You believe there’s the potential for growth, and the conditions for success.
The Future
The power within is where confidence and courage flow from. It takes a lot of strength to live in harmony with our more restless and fiery aspects while keeping them in careful control.
10 of Cups
Cultivate happiness and joy with the people that you love.
Putting it All Together:
It’s been challenging recently as you try to determine exactly where and how you fit in the world. You’ve done a lot of emotional work and have come to understand that it’s not just about where you are, but what you bring to the experience for those around you that matters to you. You’ve felt like you’ve been relentlessly chasing a goal, but now that the goal has changed you aren’t sure how to use that energy. Perhaps rededicate that energy to something that means more to you – the people you care about.
The Past
It’s a time to get the balances correct and to ensure that everything has been added in its appropriate measure. Taking this time to confirm where everything is makes the micro-adjustments of maintaining balance easier – it’s worth the time and effort.
The Present
Queen of Cups (Reversed)
Having a deep connection with our emotions helps us to understand why certain things resonate with us the way that they do and can help us keep our emotions regulated. When that connection is lost, it can throw our sense of the world and how we fit into it off-kilter.
The Challenge
6 of Pentacles
Imbalance, when present in a relationship or in financial situations, can lead to hard feelings and resentment. A disparity between giving and receiving is also reflective of a possible disparity in power.
Your Thoughts
6 of Wands
You’re receiving a lot of praise for the hard work you’ve been putting in and it’s an uplifting and renewing feeling. Your accomplishments and self-confidence can be inspiring to others, and may create further opportunities for recognition.
Your Subconscious
8 of Cups (Reversed)
Subconsciously you know that you’ve had the power and the foresight to manage when things were bad before, and that though you’re experiencing emotional challenges you also have the ability and skills to face them.
The Future
King of Wands
You’ll be able to use your fiery passion and self-assurance to lead projects and create new opportunities. You’ll have a lot of chances to use your ability to foster feelings of pride and accomplishment in others and inspire them.
4 of Pentacles
Be careful with the resources that you have and treasure them.
Putting it All Together:
You recently spent a lot of time bringing things back into balance – it’s been a continual challenge and has taken a huge investment of both time and effort. Because of the focus it requires, you may have been neglecting some of your emotional needs. While you’ve been accomplishing inspiring things you haven’t truly felt that you’re a part of anything larger. Take a step back – you’ve had the emotional power to endure a lot of trials and people have found it inspiring.
The Past
9 of Pentacles
Having time to engage with our hobbies and enjoy the fruits of our labor is an expression of the prosperity we’ve been able to enjoy. Contentment, when it’s experienced alone or is only expressed externally, can feel hollow.
The Present
3 of Cups, Reversed
You’re far from the times where you used to celebrate with friends, and it has brought on bittersweet feelings about the moments of camaraderie in your past.
The Challenge
2 of Cups
There’s a lot of emotional strain in some of your key relationships, and it’s causing a lot of stress and anxiety. Feelings of rejection can also lead to withdrawal, creating a vicious emotional downward spiral.
Your Thoughts
7 of Pentacles
Patience is a virtue, and you know that you need to exercise it now. Unfortunately, Sagittarius, patience isn’t always your strong suit. You know that you’ve done all of the work, now believe in the work that you’ve done, trust the process – and wait.
Your Subconscious
Knight of Cups
You feel exceptionally driven to express the most loving and compassionate aspects of life. Your idealistic streak is underlying a lot of the decisions and emotions you’re feeling.
The Future
5 of Wands, Reversed
The period of interpersonal toxicity due to competition and strife is over, and it’s an opportunity to rebuild impacted relationships and create a framework you can use to work together.
The Emperor, Reversed
It can be comforting to know that someone is leading the charge – but in this case the person who should be leading the charge is you. You are capable, and are being called, to become your own authority.
Putting it All Together:
You recently felt pretty content, at least material-wise, but you didn’t feel as fulfilled as you felt you coul. You are missing some of the relationships that used to mean a lot to you. Feeling rejected from those relationships has created more strain, and while you know you need to be patient and give time to heal, it’s been challenging. There’s a chance to move beyond the toxicity into something better.