What Aries, Leo and Sagittarius Can Expect In August, According To A Tarot Reader
In this reading, we’ll dive into the month of August for three different zodiacs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. These zodiacs, also known as the fire signs, are known for their passion and energy and share many attributes—which is why they may find themselves sharing certain struggles or responding similarly to conflict.
Below, our tarot reader will explain what each of these signs will be dealing with this month, broken down by different card placements:
— the past (what the signs have been through that influences this moment)
— the present (what the signs are dealing with right now)
— the challenge (what is currently impacting the present)
— their thoughts (how each sign is processing these events)
— their subconscious (how each sign may be responding to these events subconsciously)
— the future (what energies each of these signs are moving toward)
— advice (the best way for these zodiacs to navigate the month)
Card By Card Breakdown
The Past
Queen of Swords, Reversed
The Queen of Swords is unbiased and wise – her communication skills are top-notch. Reversed it can indicate that there’s a cold calculation to how difficult news, especially criticism, was delivered. The unbiased thought patterns that you have used to cut through to the truth of matters are out of balance. This could mean that you’re overthinking something, suppressing your emotion entirely , or that criticism that was given to you or someone else was delivered in a way that was far too harsh. It could also speak to someone using criticism or emotional suppression to be manipulative. Regardless of the details, it’s a huge indicator that in the not too distant past, there was an imbalance between thoughts and emotions, and it took a toll on your mental health.
The Present
5 of Cups
It’s hard not to feel disappointment over everything, and if you don’t allow space to feel this grief, it threatens to dominate you. The problem is, it becomes all too easy to dwell on what is lost and miss what opportunities there are. Healing your wounds is important to move on, and perhaps you’ve carried wounds forward from the reversed Queen of Swords. Allow yourself to feel the disappointment and loss for the future you thought you were bound to have – but don’t get so wrapped up in it that you can’t see the way forward to the opportunities you do have. There is a way forward.
The Challenge
2 of Swords, Reversed
The Two of Swords reversed as a challenge indicates that you have a decision to make, but are struggling to regain clarity and control so that you can make the best choice. It feels impossible to decide as you feel like you’re caught between two decisions with dire consequences – a real ‘rock and a hard place’ situation. Perhaps you’re experiencing analysis paralysis, or feel so burned by what happened recently in the Queen of Swords reversed. Your feelings are complex and interwoven heavily with disappointment. This makes it even more difficult to understand what to do. It’s hard, but you are going to have to trust yourself and your intuition.
Your Thoughts
6 of Cups Reversed
Part of what is making you feel stuck are the feelings you’ve carried forward from your past. You’re going to need to move forward – now is not the time to move backwards. Your past will always be with you, there’s no need to dwell there any longer. Take a moment now and look back – what is there for you? What lessons did you learn? Consider what to bring forward, and what to let go of. If you resent yourself for decisions you made in your past, allow yourself to acknowledge that – and then let it go. Release sadness, guilt, and regret so that you can move forward with the positive, loving lessons you learned.
Your Subconscious
6 of Wands
Subconsciously, you realize that you are worthy of success, and you carry a boundless well of enthusiastic optimism if you allow yourself to tap into it. You have been able to push through a lot of circumstances and obstacles before, and there’s potential to do so again. You know that you can achieve great things and be recognized and share in those triumphs. That confidence will be important for you. You can use that to believe in yourself and your intuition in order to guide yourself through the decision you have to make now.
The Future
Judgement, Reversed
Judgement indicates the need for a fearless self-inventory – and when reversed it could mean that there is some resistance to that. It’s hard work, but if you continue forward without those evaluations, you’ll be stuck for quite some time. Don’t doubt your ability to take this on. You know you can do it. The purpose of this evaluation isn’t to allow your inner critic to go wild, instead focus on compassion. As you move your thoughts through decisions you’ve made, reflect on what lessons you learned. Release your feelings of guilt, and instead of resenting yourself for the decisions you’ve made, give yourself compassion and love.
The Hanged Man, Reversed
The Hanged Man is a card about seeing things from a different point of view, and when reversed it means difficulty in doing so. Perhaps it’s being held back from the evaluation laid out in Judgement, or perhaps it’s because of the Six of Cups in your thoughts. The biggest piece of advice this card has for you is to believe in yourself. Have faith in your intuition to guide you through this situation, and know that you are capable of doing what you need to do. Don’t allow yourself to stagnate by holding on to the past.
Overall Thoughts
You’ve been through some challenging times, and what makes it even more challenging is how off-balance you feel. Normally your thoughts are sharp and you are able to take decisive action, or maybe regain your balance through a flurry of fiery action. But this time, you just feel stymied and stuck. You don’t know which direction in which to move, you don’t know what is the best course of action. You’re nervous about every possibility and feel disconnected from the intuition you’d normally deploy to figure things out. You feel burned by prior criticisms and a situation that might have included emotional manipulation. And now, you face a decision but have no idea what should be done. You’re holding on to those past lessons, hoping to see a way forward through them, but even you know, deep inside, that the way forward is to trust in your intuition again. If you don’t, you’ll remain stymied and stuck. It’s time to jump in and embrace your intuition.
To be able to move forward, you’re going to have to take that fearless self-inventory, and realize what serves you and what doesn’t. Evaluate your past decisions and carry forward the lessons you learned, but let go of your regret and resentment about the things that didn’t work. If you allow that reversed Queen of Swords to get in your head, it will be a festering wound that will not only never heal, but impact your ability to make the best decisions possible. Reflect on your past pain, acknowledge what you learned from it, and cultivate compassion for yourself. Once you foster belief in yourself and reignite your intuition, you’ll begin to feel unstuck.
Find Aries’, Leo’s, and Sagittarius’ August tarot reading here.
Find Taurus’, Virgo’s, and Capricorn’s August tarot reading here.
Find Cancer’s, Scorpio’s, and Pisces’ August tarot reading here.