Venus In Capricorn Brings Clear Steps To Success In Wealth Or Happiness
Status, luxury, material wealth or happiness. We all define success in our own unique ways, but we can also take a step closer to our most sought after aspirations as Venus ventures through determined Capricorn. The Goddess of Love and Beauty will be in this steadfast Earth Sign from November 11, until December 7.
This gives us the chance to really step-up when it comes to accomplishing our biggest goals. It’s just a matter of feeling deserving and worthy. We must remember that we worked hard to get here.
Venus in Capricorn
Venus represents everything we value and how we go about expressing those values. She is therefore synonymous with love and money. Capricorn stands for our legacy, reputation and goals — as the traditional ruler of the 10th House of Career, Aspirations and Status. In other words, this is about achieving what our heart’s desire.
We can all benefit from this cosmic influence, making use of the extra determination, motivation and focus of Capricorn. No matter what we have our sights set on, this transit is here to remind us of our values as we go through the motions of making our dreams reality.
Venus’s 2024 Transit Through Capricorn
This is not your typical run of the mill Venus transit. A rather auspicious element of her stay in Capricorn, is that she’ll make nothing but harmonious aspects to the outer planets, along with some other major cosmic shifts at play.
When Venus is in Capricorn, she enters Saturn’s realm because this is the planetary ruler of the sign. From the moment she hits the first degree of Capricorn, to the last minute she spends there; Saturn is her “dispositor.” Think of Saturn like her influencer or assistant, so anything Saturn does during Venus’s transit holds a significant piece of the puzzle.
Steady and sturdy Saturn is currently in ethereal and deeply connected Pisces. Since Venus is exalted here and much rather be in Pisces, they have a bit of a mutual reception going on. There is an understanding between the two celestial bodies, since they would both prefer to trade places — they can’t and the next best thing is to help eachother out. With this mutual reception going on the communication between them is clear.
Only a few days after Venus makes her ingress into Capricorn, Saturn in Pisces stations direct in Pisces on November 15, meaning this structured and self-disciplined planet comes back online — and truly sets up for success. It’s important to note that Saturn has a limiting quality, and while it may take some time to get the ball rolling, our actions can still bring us results. The Universe is working in our favor.
The lessons of Capricorn can always feel like a climb, there is no shortage of supplies on this trek and ample time to take breaks. While we may be feeling that cardinal drive and motivation to continue on, we must not discredit the importance of rest. If Saturn in Pisces teaches us anything, it’s that relaxation and spiritual practices are also productive. They refuel us and keep us going. In the midst of all the dream chasing, finding time to go within or connect with higher power is kind of like a performance enhancer. In these moments we find clarity and peace.
Actions or intentions that are made during this Venus transit, have the lasting power of Saturn. Meaning we could put the right boundaries and structures in place to help us achieve success. Whatever we initiate now has sustainability and can stand the test of time.
Venus in Capricorn: Important Dates
Like any other transit, the vibe of a planet’s stay in a particular sign, largely depends on the aspects or alignments that planet is involved in. Take not of these particular dates:
- November 22: Venus Sextile Saturn – The chance to set a purpose into motion. Intensions made on this day can be especially successful. This day can also reinforce our drive and focus.
- December 2: Venus Trine Uranus – A moment of awakening may hit us. Suddenly something becomes clear and illuminates the path forward.
- December 4 & 5: Venus Sextile Neptune – A deeper connection to our dreams and desires. These dates are ideal for any visual activities.
The Pluto Factor
The last thing to consider about this particular Venus Capricorn transit, and that is Pluto. During her stay, Pluto, who is currently at the critical and final 29° of the sign, will make a final entrance into Aquarius on November 19. For this reason the two will not meet in Capricorn, like they have for so many years — 16 to be exact. Pluto has been slowly transforming the Capricorn area of lives since 2008. We’ve picked up new skills, talents and viewpoints. As Venus moves through and Pluto moves out, it’s kind of like we get to open those gifts now. This is about reaping the rewards of all that hard work. We can fully embrace the person we’ve become and any new direction we may be heading in.
Venus in Capricorn reminds us to celebrate our accomplishments and the journey thus far. This vibration of accomplishment ends up attracting more success in return. Capricorn is a sign that rarely takes in their achievements, as they quickly turn to their next conquest. While we may be reaching our goals or setting our sleeves up for the future — there’s always time to stop and smell the roses when Venus is involved. The climb up the ladder should be an enjoyable experience.