Thought Catalog Agency

Tough Love For The 4 Zodiacs Who Respond Positively To Harsh Truths


The problem you’re grappling with doesn’t have a quick fix, Sagittarius. You are going to have to calm yourself down and tread water for as long as you can. The more worked up you get over the lack of a life preserver within arms reach, the more energy you will waste at the time you need it most. These moments, when we identify and acknowledge that are our life isn’t in the place we want it to be, are overwhelming, and the only way to get through it is to focus on one small thing at a time. One day at a time. One breath at a time if necessary. The tough love you need to hear is that it’s going to take much longer to get where you want to go than you’re comfortable with. You will need to complete the same small tasks hundreds of times before you start to see the desired results. A house is built a brick at a time. Savings grow with every dollar. Experience, through repetition. It’s going to feel worse before it gets better, but it will get better.


You have a lot of sad thoughts, Virgo, and most of them are based in reality. You’ve built a personal brand on this kind of impudent pessimism, this ability to hold up a mirror of unpleasantness to anyone and everyone, whether they are ready and willing to face your morbid wisdom or not. You’ve always been slightly entertained by the whole business because you’re on the easier end of the jump scare, but the truth is you’re equally disturbed by your own thoughts no matter how hard you try to put on the ‘tough’ act. Life’s short. People die. Things often turn out completely different from the way we expected them to. So what? The tough love you need to hear is the missing second half of that phrase. So what are you going to do about it? The hardest pills to swallow often do us the most good. Take your most jarring conclusions and put them to use. Assess the harsh reality and make an appropriate plan. Seeing the mud means you don’t have to get stuck in it.


You’re losing sight of everything you have to be thankful for, Scorpio. Whatever it is that’s inconveniencing you is nothing compared to what you’ve been through before. Easy living has made you unconditioned to real struggle and you are wasting energy complaining about the small details when there are a million things going right around you every day. Take a second to look out the window and appreciate the sunshine. Put down your phone and actually focus on enjoying a good meal. Take note of the abundance around you that you always take for granted. A closet full of clothes. Pantry full of food. People you know are always a call or text away. The tough love you need to hear is that you have enough. Enough to survive. Enough to be happy. The rest is all a rat race. It’s okay if you want to see just how far ahead you can get in that competition, but remember not to lose sight of the fact that you’ve already won.


You are always giving everything your all, Aries, the problem is that some fights just aren’t worth the effort. Some people aren’t worth pleasing. Some arguments don’t improve your life in any way. Some favors go unappreciated. And some competitions demand we give more of ourselves than the winning prize is worth. You’ve failed to identify when to cut your loses and regretted it in retrospect. You’ve spent hours, days, and weeks wondering why you didn’t see a better outcome. The tough love you need to hear is that the world is not as noble as you are, Aries. Random chance does not have the same logic, loyalty, or ethics that you do, and at some point, you’ll have to stop living life as if it does. You will have to pivot, walk away, give up, change plans, and go with the flow. Life demands that of us all. It doesn’t mean you have to become a lesser version of yourself, you just need to learn to bend your expectations toward reality.